Most Christians don’t know how to bring up the issue of their faith with others they know and meet outside of ‘church’.  And if it comes up they don’t know what to do.  They have been told to invite them to ‘church’, which most aren’t interested in. And if the issue of their faith comes up they don’t know how to effectively share the Good News one on one with others outside of Christ.

Many preachers are preaching and saying to ‘share your story’.  That is inadequate and seldom effective.


What I’m discovering is that a whole lot of preachers don’t know how to bring up their faith with those outside of the church either. Now they know what to do and say from the pulpit, but with their neighbors, many relatives or people they meet in the community they don’t know what to do and so they aren’t doing it either.   
I’ve seen for some time now even many Christian College Professors are in the same boat.

I’ve seen that way too many Missionaries sent out to win the world to Jesus don’t know how either. 

I’ll even say that most church leaders don’t know how to effectively share the Good News one on one with those outside of the church.

All that is unnecessary. 
That is not good. 
That must be changed.
The problem for most all is that we haven’t been trained or prepared in how to do this including most leaders in the church.


If you want to learn how to bring up the Good News with others and make an offer to sit down and share the Gospel with them in a respectful, non-aggressive manner I invite you to take my 8 week on-line course offered through Hope International University in October. 
You will learn how to bring it up and what to do yourself without having to start by inviting them to ‘church’, which most of them aren’t interested in. 
You will be prepared, confident and excited in a way you maybe have never been before.  You will look for opportunities rather than hide or run from them. 

If interested write Phil at

What are you waiting for?

If you have any questions write me at

IF you haven’t ordered this on

Amazon-Kindle or a hard copy at

I challenge you to do so. This

subject needs to be addressed

by all church leaders. 

Copyright © 2014 John Hendee, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

John Hendee

469 Harbison Cyn Rd

El Cajon, CA 92019