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Mercy in the midst of the worlds worst.

Pictured above is a truck load of food paid for by Mercy Partners being delivered to a Church to be distributed in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Four million people are now suffering from a food crisis, after months of fighting has prevented farmers from planting or harvesting crops. Today Susan Rice announced the US aid approval of 180 million dollars of aid that will be given to South Sudan government. The same government that rice describes as the cause of suffering because they refuse  “to put their people’s interests above their own”.

It is getting increasingly difficult to get food to those that need it the most especially with the onset of the rainy season.  Several aid workers have been killed this month and many remain missing. The UN call the crisis in South Sudan “ The worst in the world”.   


Dr Kuany near the border of Darfur will soon be able ot tofeed indigent patients at Maliek Christian Hospital due to Mercy Partners relief provided. Today he request prayer for the cooperation of the State ministry of health to provide vaccines.  Kuany writes:  I came to join the State Ministry of Health officers in debating what’s good for our facilities and what cooperation we need to deliver effective and qualitative services to the people in remote areas like for the case of our mobile clinic. And if at all the ministry of health can provide vaccines.  – Please pray for their involvement. 



Pray for our feeding capacity to grow as we throttle back from Sustainability to helping people survive.  Pray that we are able to get food to the most remote and needy. 


Pray for the State Ministry of Health’s involvement in assisting those we are empowering. As you  lift  them up prayer, we will report details as soon as next week. 


Pray for son Thomas and daughter Helen as they begin the trek westward this week to attend Central Christian College of the Bible in Moberly MO 


Pray for Sandie Kilian’s passport to clear the State Dept. in a timely fashion and that al her vaccines and inoculations are procured in time. 

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