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Church Takes Action

On  Monday July 28th – Associate press headline stated “ FAMINE WATCH” – SOUTH SUDAN TEAM STUDY HUNGER DATA The article shared that top officials among humanitarian and health aid organizations were locked in a hotel in Juba to discuss how and “If” they would share the looming famine crisis in South Sudan. Many are reluctant to call it what it is. Meanwhile 24 hour prior, MERCY PARTNERS had empowered Gudele Church to distribute Maize, Beans and Rice in the name of the Prince of Peace along with soap to hold back the recent Cholera crisis that claimed the lives of 34.  After the food, hygiene and evangelistic outreach, 16 of the 400 fed showed interest in learning more about Jesus Christ as their savior!

Among the good news, we also have recieved word that two of our school children were rushed to near by clinic and are not doing well with UNKNOWN SICKNESS. 

Pray for our ongoing program at a time of war. It is difficult for our people to juggle the responsibility on providing aid and reporting simultaneously. 
Pray for safety and protection of our partners in Ethiopia, Darfur and Juba. 
Pray for the two Children in Gudele to recover quickly. 

Pray for Sandie’s passport to be expedited soon since it has been held up twice by the State Dept. 


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