Dear friends and brethren in Christ,


We regret that we have not been able to communicate with you sooner. Since our mailing list is on the computer we had to leave in Honduras, we were unable to send out an update for the last several months. As a result, we didn’t manage to inform you of the events in our life.


We really should have made more effort to contact you because we have desperately needed your prayers. Our ongoing transition to Knoxville has been very stressful compounded by illness as we were packing our belongings in Honduras. We boarded the plane on April 23rd to complete our planned church visits. The next day, we got word that a dear friend and former coworker in Mexico had passed on to be with the Lord. On April 28th Margy, Mark, Jim Chamberlain and I drove from Indiana to Louisville, Kentucky, for a reception. After visiting with the family, we went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant with some former missionaries to Mexico. When we ran to the car in the rain after the meal, Margy suffered a stroke. Her entire left side was paralyzed. It was late so we delayed until the next day to get her to the hospital (not realizing the gravity her condition). After 24 hours in the hospital she was released. We drove to Knoxville – our new home.


I am grateful to report that Margy has largely recovered; she walks nearly a mile every day and is driving. She does suffer from numbness and tingling on her left side, but we have hope that through your prayers and God’s mercy she will be completely restored.


The whole family is overflowing with gratitude that Margy has not been left incapacitated by this event. I know that those of you who have not heard about the need would have also interceded on her behalf if we had been able to communicate.


Mark, Joy, and I went on a whirlwind tour of churches that have supported Bajio Christian Mission. (Margy is not yet up to traveling.) The motive was to introduce Mark as the new field director of the ministry and to confirm my retirement. We accumulated 12,000 highway miles over the course of our church visits. We were warmly received and encouraged by BCM supporters.


I am currently in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, to accomplish several goals. I plan to work on revisions of the seminar materials and complete the last two seminar sessions in a church to the west of us. I also intend to make the house more presentable to potential buyers in hopes to sell it soon. I need to sell our S10 Blazer, and Mark and I have several mechanical projects to attend to on our vehicles. When I return to the USA, I will take this computer and a couple of trunks filled with personal belongings. I do not have a return ticket yet as I am unwilling to speculate on a date for that. Margy is well cared for by our daughter and son-in-law in Knoxville, so I have no concern for her well-being.


Please remember the ministry and ourselves in your prayers.




Bill and Margy