Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
Summer 2014 (Part #1)
VandeLinde Family 2013 3 Ryan, Erin, Micah & Josiah VandeLinde



“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship.”

Romans 12:1


What a summer! Just recently we held our very first annual youth camp here in the eastern part of the country. This has been a dream for many of us for a long time and finally God helped us make it a reality.  The theme was “Connecta2,” or “Connected,” using the idea of challenging the teens to be more connected to Christ.  Every year we take many of our teenagers to camp where they disconnect from Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Television and the internet and Connect with Jesus. Our prayer is that during the few days we are together each teenager would open their hearts to Jesus Christ and hear His Word preached in a very interesting and unique way. 




This year we used Romans 12:1-2 as our theme and challenged the teenagers to become living sacrifices and not be “Cristianos de Carton,” or fake Christians. The challenge was to be authentic Christians and to take their faith in Jesus seriously.  



Being a youth camp, we used many forms of preaching such as dramas, small groups, interactive workshops and videos.  We had worship music, a hip-hop dance team, and several popular Christian rap artists who all helped us preach the Word of God in a relevant way.  We thank God for making this dream of a youth camp here in the east a dream come true and we give Him all of the glory. We truly feel more “Connecta2” to Jesus after camp and we are trying to be living sacrifices for Him. 





“Short-Term Teams”

We thank the following American churches for their partnership with us and for their participation in “Connecta2.” Each American team partnered with one of our Dominican Churches and held VBS activities in each of our Dominican Churches. They then all traveled to camp with the Dominican teenagers where they served and participated in every part of “Connecta2.”  Great job guys!  


New Hope Christian Church

Roanoke, VA 


Plum Creek Christian Church

Butler, KY


Christ’s Church Mandarin

Jacksonville, FL





A Personal Touch”

Welcoming the newest member of the EDCM Team.  Analise Grace VandeLinde was born on May 28, weighing 8 lbs. 3 ounces with a length of 20 ½ inches.  God continues to bless our family with the birth of Analise.   She entered the  world without any major complications or hiccups.  Erin is doing great and has recovered from the surgery very well.   Analise is healthy and happy and already adores her big brothers. We thank you for your prayers during the pregnancy and deliver of our precious little girl and we hope you get to meet her soon! God bless!   






In This Issue
Heart to Corazon
A Personal Touch
Contact Information
Micah’s Minute and Josiah’s Jot
EDCM Needs

Contact Information

Ryan & Erin VandeLinde
Email: ryanvandelinde@hotmail.com

: 1-809-707-3069

Mail and Donations to:
Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
PO Box 20136
Roanoke, VA 24018
*for all financial donations

Micah’s Minute
Chillin out in fire fighter foam.



What a summer!

I have had THE BEST SUMMER EVER! Our family came to the US for baby sister’s birthday and we got to stay all summer.  (Well, Daddy had to go back and forth to the DR but the rest of the family stayed.)  I have played baseball, gone to camp, gone to VBS, gone swimming and all sorts of other really cool and fun things.  But the best part has been getting to hang out with my family and American friends.  I have gotten to seen my grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins many times this summer and it has been great!

My brother, Poppy and I at “Touch-a-Truck” in Salem, VA. 

In just a couple weeks we will be headed home.  I am excited to go back home but I am really going to miss my family.  Please pray for me and my family as I head back to the DR and back to school. 

See ya!  

Micah, 8 yrs. old

Playing in the creek in Craig County, VA. 


Josiah’s Jot

Josiah “rock” climbing in Roanoke, VA.

I just wanted to say hey.  I can’t chat long because we only have a few days left in the United States and I am trying to enjoy every last minute.  It has been a great summer.  Catch ya later.

3 yrs old 




  • Higuey Christian Church Roof: $17,000 to put on a concrete roof   


  • VandeLinde baby!  
  • Future EDCM Team Members
  • Water filtration system being installed in Punta Cana Christian Church   

Thank you for your prayers! God listens and answers! 

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