CMF International News



Thriving Ethiopia clinic dedicates new, expanded facilities

Posted: 28 Jul 2014 01:17 PM PDT

A medical ministry that began on a bench under a tree in Aygali, Ethiopia, has now moved into a permanent, cement block facility that was dedicated to the glory of God in a celebration service last month.

Craig and Allison Fowler were recruited 18 years ago for missionary service to the Gumuz people in a remote area north of the Blue Nile River by former CMF missionaries Ray and Effie Giles. The Fowlers moved their young family to Aygali, a village with no infrastructure, no church, no medical help and 18 miles from the nearest dirt road.

After the birth of their third child, Allison, a nurse, set up a bench under a tree on the banks of the Duksi River and began using her medical skills to minister to people in the area. The response was tremendous, and soon a makeshift metal building was erected to provide better facilities and care and establish a more permanent presence. Allison partnered with a Gumuz nurse, Lema, and the two were soon treating 900 patients a month. Through relationships formed during this time, several churches were established in the area and transformation began.

The metal building soon became inadequate, however, so CMF’s Ethiopia Field Team approved the construction of new clinic facilities, which were completed in June. The new building includes five rooms for patient care and a separate, two-room structure for the storage and distribution of medications. The facilities also include a medical incinerator and a 50-meter hand pump well that provides clean drinking water for the local population.

The dedication service on June 30 was well-attended by village leaders, government authorities, young mothers and clan elders, according to Craig Fowler, and three oxen were prepared to feed those who had come to rejoice with the Fowlers and the Ethiopia team.

“Many things have changed in the past eight years in Aygali,” said Craig. “The population has grown tremendously and the small village clusters have grown together to form a town with an airstrip as the main street running through it! In addition, there are now growing, thriving churches where previously there was no access to the Gospel and there is a medical facility capable of treating the basic needs of the community where was none.

“But some things have not changed,” he added. “There are still CMF missionaries here with a vision to reach the people of northwest Ethiopia for Christ, and there is still a God who loves the people of Aygali enough to make it happen.”

Oregon CrossFit gym promotes MoHI child sponsorship

Posted: 28 Jul 2014 08:28 AM PDT

A chance encounter in Illinois between CMF Executive Director Doug Priest and two fellow University of Oregon “Ducks” fans has led to a partnership between CMF and a brand new CrossFit facility in Salem, Oregon.

Doug and Missions of Hope (MoHI) Director Mary Kamau visited West Side Christian Church in Springfield, Ill., last year for the church’s emphasis on child sponsorship in the Bondeni village in Nairobi, Kenya. During a fellowship break between worship services Doug noticed two men wearing his alma mater’s colors: green and yellow for the University of Oregon.

“I immediately accosted them with ‘Go, Ducks!’ ” said Doug, “and the father and son, Terry and Ryan Savage, introduced themselves, noting that Ryan had been to Kenya with a team from the church.”

In further conversation Doug learned that Savages were preparing to start a CrossFit gym in Oregon, and hoped to use some of the income from the gym to sponsor children from Bondeni, where Ryan already sponsors a child. They asked Doug how they could sponsor more children, and a partnership was born.

Last week, Doug and his wife Robyn were in Oregon and stopped by the new Cherry City CrossFit gym in Salem.

“Ryan met us at the gym and showed us around,” said Doug. “At the gym reception desk there’s a photo of a girl from the Mathare Valley, and cards of children available for sponsorship are available to members. Ryan’s dream is to sponsor one new child in Bondeni for every five members enrolled at the gym.”

“The three of us prayed for the success of the gym while we were there,” added Doug, “asking God to bless the desire of the Savage family to make a difference in the lives of the least of these.”