Praying for Local Impact

“For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” Matthew 10:20

I’ve just returned home to Kenya from the ICMDA conference in the Netherlands, at which I was honored to be a keynote speaker. One aspect I was most excited about during the conference was the hope and encouragement  it gave to me in imagining what GMHC Africa might one day become and the impact it might have on attendees and their communities.
GMHC Africa is a truly unique event for the continent; one that we know will have greater impact on The Kingdom and the medical community as it grows. With just more than a month left to plan, there is still much to be done and I ask that you join me in praying over this conference.

Kindly join me in praying that all involved LIA staff would be energized to take on the many tasks that still lie ahead of them for this conference and that we will be able to give our best to all preparation efforts. Ask that God would guide us, as the last pieces come together and plans are finalized. And pray that God makes available to us the resources and needs that are still pending.

Please pray over everyone that has committed to present or attend GMHC Africa, that their travels would be safeguarded and they would experience no difficulties with their arrangements. Pray equally that the Lord would prompt those students, doctors, nurses and community leaders from around the world who have yet to register. May He fill All Saints Cathedral Church to the brim, all for His glory!

Finally, pray that God would honor our prayers to use this conference to mobilize the people of Africa to become a mighty movement in missions – throughout Africa and across the globe. May we never lose focus of why we are gathering.
Thank you for upholding this special event in prayer and for continually walking alongside the ministry.
In Christ,

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