
God is opening doors for ministry and faithfully answering our prayers. Please join us as we thank Him for His goodness!


1.  Praise God for our short-term teams in July that included team members from Lexington, Louisville, Kokomo (IN), and Hillsboro (MO).

2.  Praise God for the CEB training, July 7-20, with Adam DeJong.

3. Praise God for an increase in support from Lebanon Christian Church in Lebanon, IN.

4. Praise God for 349 new Every Child Sponsors from 2|42 Community Church in Michigan.

5. Praise God for the commitment of a $25,000 grant from the Dalton Foundation for the hospital.

6. Praise God for the recovery of all the interns, including Abbie, from the Chikungunya Virus.

7. Praise God for two new nurse midwives that Peredo Christian Hospital hired.

8. Praise God for the leaders of all 9 Emmanuel Christian Churches.



We believe God will be faithful to provide for the needs before us. Will you join us in asking Him to be glorified in these areas?


1.  Pray for the 30th Anniversary Celebration on November 14 at ICOM in Columbus, OH.

2.  Pray for the last Summer 2014 short-term teams:

July 19-26: Gateway Fellowship Church, Millersburg, OH

July 26-August 2: West Virginia churches 

3.  Pray for the dump truck to be released from customs. 

5.  Pray for increased funding for healthcare.

6.  Pray for our interns as they finish their summer of service.

7. Pray for the Haiti CEB team as they have begun producing block.

8. Pray for unity of believers in Peredo.

9. Pray for Mac and Michelle as they prepare for their marriage, August 2.



Your partnership in prayer strengthens and sustains the ministry of HCO. Thank you! 

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