Thank God:

·      That the Tay people of Papua New Guinea now have the New Testament in their own language! Thursday’s dedication was a beautiful, God-honoring day, and we felt deeply privileged to be a part of the celebration.

·      That the Mbore team finished the read-through of their New Testament on Wednesday. It is now ready for the preliminary stages of typesetting!

·      That the planning retreat for a multi-church conference in October went well.

·      For protecting Eunice and giving her His perfect peace while Mike was gone and for healing her cough and sinus congestion.


Please Pray:

·      For the Tay church leaders who will be attending a Scripture Application and Leadership Training (SALT) course using their own Tay New Testaments this week and next. Pray that God’s Word will impact them deeply.

·      For the Mum people. The work of their translation team has been disrupted by a significant conflict, and the village where many of them live has been severely damaged in retaliation for a young man’s death. Pray for God’s peace to reign in Mum hearts and throughout the entire Mum community so that the translation of His Word – which they so desperately need! – can resume.

·      For productive work weeks for both of us.


Herchenroeder Weekly Prayer Update is distributed by Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder, serving with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea.