Thank you for supporting our ministry.    
With your faithful prayers, continuing generosity, and with God’s blessing, we have made great progress in all of the countries Lifeline serves. Hundreds of new Christians, already this year, have encouraged us and remind us of how wonderful it is to be part of His “Kingdom Building Plan.” We’re blessed to be able to share praises and sweet victories with you! May you be blessed in the knowledge that thousands of your brothers and sisters on the mission field appreciate you and are praying for you.

Thank you again. 

Your Brother in Christ,
Bob DeVoe
Lifeline Founder


students serving in Honduras


  • Move-in plans are underway for the Grand-Goave Children’s Home.  Construction continues as we rapidly approach the completion date!  Kids are already happily dreaming about living there.  It will be a great place for them to grow up in Christ.  



  • The students at Ocotillo Christian School (see photos on right) had an opportunity to model selflessness, which is one of the schools 5 Core Values.  Darwyn, Lifeline’s Director of Schools in Honduras writes:      

“Putting others first is always a blessing” and “what a tremendous experience” was the quotes from one of our students this past Friday when we visited the government hospital Mario Catarino Rivas.  Eleventh graders spent time with children in the hospital and shared God’s Word, games, and even donated some pampers & gifts (the students did this donation with their own strength). Thanks to God for this opportunity to know other people, and to have a learning time with students.   


Our country is going through serious problems but in the middle of any situation God is calling us to share GOD’s HOPE to others, and students in Lifeline’s school are following this message.     


Thank you so much!   



United States
  • This past weekend was a great time packing a container of food with Crossroads Community Church in Cincinnati.  The container of food is on it’s way to their mission in South Africa. 
  • The NACC was a great time – we made new connections and strengthened current relationships.  It was also a time of service, as we coordinated a food packing event at the convention.   Not only were meals packed for hungry kids in Haiti, but several churches have asked about hosting their own ABC events. Praise God and be in prayer for the future events.
  • Even with increased budget demands we’ve “almost” been able to keep up during the summer slow receipt period.  Praise the Lord!  And, thank you for your help and prayers.

Jose and Luis Prayer Requests
  • Continued prayers needed for Rob DeVoe’s health.  Rob is our Database Manager and Bob & Gretchen DeVoe’s (Lifeline founders) son.

  • Child sponsorship is a crucial component of our ministry at Lifeline.  Please be in prayer for more sponsors and consider hosting a sponsorship drive at your church.

  • Little “pastor” Luis (12 years old, see photo with Pastor Jose) has a worsening medical condition with a very poor and sad prognosis.  He has lived past the 2 months he was given to live earlier this year.  God is a God of miracles!  More prayer please.  Luis attends our house church in Guatemala and was given the “pastor” handle shortly after he was baptized a few months ago; he has been a VERY enthusiastic and evangelistic new Christian!

  • Continuing sufficient finances in the coming summer months.
  • We have not yet found/selected House Parents for the Children’s Home.  Please, more prayer as we set about this task.


You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at

People, Projects & Programs

Eternal Investments


Did you realize that you can donate stocks and mutual funds to Lifeline?  With the stock market recently hitting 17,000, it may be a great time to consider making a donation to Lifeline in the form of stocks and/or mutual funds.  Discuss your options with your financial planner and contact to begin the process.


Your Partnership

Additional ways that you can support and learn more about Lifeline…

sponsor a child Health Care Ministry golf outing
Memorials & Honorariums
Gifts given to remember & honor


In honor of Paul & Emily Bell, given by Gene Robertson, Wendy Zindel, and Kathryn England 


Ancient and Relevant


There is something grand about old things that are still in good shape.  Old furniture, rich with the patina of age and history, is far more intriguing than the uncomfortable, modern stuff.  When you sit on it or eat off it or sleep in it, your mind pictures those in previous centuries who did the same in a world of candlelight, oil lamps, buggies, outhouses, and potbelly stoves.  Each scrape or dent holds a story you wish you knew…


The Bible is old also — ancient, in fact.  Its timeless stories have for centuries shouted, “You can make it!  Don’t quit … don’t give up!”  Its truths, secure and solid as stone, say, “I’m still here, waiting to be claimed and applied.”  Whether it’s a prophet’s warning, a patriarch’s prayer, a poet’s psalm, or a preacher’s challenging reminder.  The Book of books lives on, offering us new vistas…


Though ancient, it has never lost its relevance.  Though battered, no one has ever improved on its content.  Though old, it never fails to offer something pure, something wise, something new.



excerpt from The Finishing Touch by Charles Swindoll