July 7, 2014

Greetings from Taiwan:

“After we had torn ourselves away from them, we put out to sea and sailed straight to Kos…” (Acts 21:a)  The Apostle Paul and his traveling companions had a difficult time getting off the beach at Miletus.  It was on that beach that Paul met with the elders from the church at Ephesus, where Paul had spent three years preaching and teaching.  They prayed, they wept, they embraced and kissed one another.  Being torn away is a difficult thing — for Paul and for us.
We are now just 2 1/2 weeks from our departure, and the days are full — full of saying “farewell.”  It feels like we’ve been in “The State of Farewell” forever.  You can read about some of it in the July edition of Taste of Taiwan, which will be in your inbox shortly.
Sports & English Camp, our 9th annual, begins next Lord’s Day, on the campus of Morrison Academy.  A team of 16 will arrive, Lord willing, from Las Vegas, The Crossing church, on Friday evening.  How grateful we are for this team!  Please pray for them.  Pray for the 144 teens who are coming to camp.  Pray for the 50 faculty who will be sharing their lives and what it means to follow Jesus.  Please pray for Brenda and I as we coordinate camp.  Lastly, please pray for decisions to be made that will impact eternity!
My mother, Juanita, has been in a rehabilitation center for the last two weeks, following another dizzy spell and fall.  It has been discovered that she has had low blood pressure, which led to stroke-like symptoms.  Thankfully, mom is doing better and will be going home today (Sunday).  Please pray as we consider mom’s future plans.
This morning we will attend one last Come Church worship, on the second floor of a restaurant (a group meeting room), in south Taichung City.  Come Church continues to meet in various locations in and around south Taichung City.  Please pray for the church as we say farewell.  Pray that they will continue to grow and grow!
Li May-fun (Karen), a wife and mother of two small children, gave her life to the Lord this past Wednesday evening.  We baptized her in the swimming pool at Morrison Academy.  Please pray for Karen as she begins her new walk with the Lord.
Thank you for being a vital part of this ministry here in Taiwan.  Your prayers and faithful partnership mean so much to us!
Blessings to you and yours!
Dave & Brenda Atkin
Missionaries with Team Expansion in Taichung, Taiwan