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May 2014  

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.”    

Proverbs 5:3-6






New mPower Approach Staff Member: Dr. Tim Williams


I was absolutely speechless. If you know me, you realize how
unusual this is. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of mPower Approach had called to ask if I would consider becoming their President.

My wife of twenty eight years, Debbie, and I have two adult children, a daughter-in-law and a new grandson (who is AWESOME, by the way!). Life is full. And busy. And fulfilling-especially with the addition of mPower Approach mission trips a few times each year. I was not really expecting any changes for the next decade.

We were thrown for a loop! Did God want me to sell my practice? Move away from our grandson? Could I continue to practice, teach AND do the work necessary as mPower Approach’s President? Would I ever have time to sleep again?

What followed was about three months of prayer, asking questions and seeking discernment. I have been a private practice dentist for twenty five years. The last ten years have been in the dual role of private practitioner and full time faculty member at the University Of Tennessee Graduate School Of Medicine’s GPR program.

We shared sweet times of prayer and supplication before the Lord with our small group here in Tennessee and friends in Louisville. We asked God to open or close doors to show us the way He would have us go. Ultimately, I decided to humbly accept the position. I will continue to practice and teach, as well as carry out the duties of President. We will remain in Knoxville near our family, but life is changing!

In the coming months I will share what I think God has in store for mPower Approach and our volunteers. Until then, please pray for me. I have never done anything quite like this and there is much to learn. I need wisdom, discernment and stamina to do this job with excellence. While you’re praying for me, ask God afresh what He would have you do for His kingdom. We want you-I want you-to go on trips with us. If you never have, try it! If you have not been in a while, it’s time! If you go regularly with us, THANK YOU!


Tim Williams, DDS
President, mPower Approach

Trip Schedule
Myanmar: July 17-27, 2014
Dental, Vision, Dental Hygiene

Ghana: September 20-28, 2014
Dental, Restorative, Vision, Sewing, Medical
Iganga, Uganda: October 10-19, 2014
Dental, Vision, Medical, Children’s Program
Namutamba, Uganda: October 10-19, 2014

Kenya: November 7-16, 2014

Southeast Asia: Nov. 29- Dec. 7, 2014
Denture Training Site Visit
Northeast India: Nov. 29-Dec. 7, 2014
Chad: February 2015

Southeast Asia: March 2015
Oral Health Prevention Project, Vision, Wound Care, Motorcycle Repair, Hair Cutting

If you are interested in participating in a trip or scheduling
a training, please simply reply to this email or call our office at 502-544-9031.

mPower Approach
106 North Watterson Trail ● Louisville, KY 40243
502-544-9031 ●