Through Lifeline Christian Mission, 

YOU minister in eight countries to folks speaking five languages.  


Can you connect the following “grateful” words to the appropriate language?  (the answers are at the end of this email)                    


Thank you
Tärä Deve














Here’s a big THANK YOU from the precious recipients you help in Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador, Cuba, Panama, Canada, Navajo Nation, Guatemala, and the United States.  Your help makes a HUGE difference!

ministry photos Praises



  • Bobby (Lifeline’s Plant Manager), our Haitian workers, and the many folks helping on work teams are doing a super job to help get our new Children’s Home in Grand-Goave ready for occupancy in just 60 days.  We can hardly wait to see smiles on the children’s faces as the will be starting a new life at a new facility. God is good! 



  • This past weekend, 19 girls participated in a special camp at CaryHill where they learned about the value they have as daughters of the King, based on Psalm 45:11 and Ephesians 2:10.  The girls had a lot of fun!  Thank you to Kesaia Cojon who helped coordinate and lead the camp.  (see photos on right)


Navajo Ministry

  • Getting ready for the new school year is off to a good start as new teachers are being interviewed and other plans are coming together.  Lots of very positive changes are being made: More prayer please.


United States
  • Come visit us next week at the NACC in Indianapolis!  Stop by Lifeline’s booth to meet some of our staff, learn more about Lifeline’s ministry and how you can partner with us, and even package some food to ship to Haiti!  We pray that the convention is a time of refreshing and encouragement for all who attend, and for many new connections to be made for Lifeline.  

Prayer Requests
  • Pray for the Christian Church Convention in Haiti later this summer.  The churches were not able to gather for this time of encouragement in 2013 because funding was not available. Pray for donors to help cover the necessary expenses ($3,000); contact for details.  

  • Pray for the work team from Christ’s Church of the Valley (PA) in El Salvador this week. They will be conducting a Kid’s Camp for hundreds of children in advance of the launch of a new church in Sonsonati on Sunday.


You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at

Don’t forget to join us:

NACC Food Packing Experience 


Are you traveling to the NACC in Indianapolis next week, July 8-11?  If so, then come pack food with us!  But don’t come alone…reconnect with old friends while packing food, register your church to pack together, gather your student group, or make it a family event!  


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Details & registration at


  Haitian girl with gifts
People, Projects & Programs

It’s Christmas in July! 


We’re humming Christmas tunes and digging out our elf hats: July is the gift deadline for sponsors who want to send Christmas gifts to their sponsored children in Haiti or Honduras.  


If you would like to send gifts to your sponsored child, here are a few reminders and hints to help you out:

  • You have the entire month of July to send your gifts to Lifeline’s office.
  • Don’t forget your shipping fee ($7 per shoebox-sized gift) and important details like your name and account number (AN) and your sponsored child’s name and their ID number on the gift box.  You’ll find those details at
  • Questions about anything – gifts, your sponsorship, need your account number, etc?  Simply contact or 614-794-0108.  We are happy to help you out!
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 Sponsor gifts have already begun to flood our office!

Want to help us prepare the gifts for shipment to Haiti and Honduras?  

We’d love to have you join us! 


Your Partnership

Additional ways that you can support and learn more about Lifeline…

Hogs for Haiti Adventure 2014 - Ohio to Erie ride golf outing
Love that Thaws the Heart


Painters can be inspired by the sunset. Poets can be inspired by the person they love.  Young people can be inspired by great athletes.  But the inspiration God provided the writers of Scripture is quite different.


The Greek behind inspiration means “God-breathed.”  God didn’t merely spark a good idea, fill a heart to overflowing, or fuel a writer’s effort.  Instead, God – through His Holy Spirit – influenced men’s minds in a way that made them His agents for the infallible communication of God’s revelation.


The Scriptures, although penned by the hands of men, are the very Word of God.  To fully and accurately understand Scriptures truths, then, we must receive illumination or enlightenment by the Holy Spirit, the divine quickening of the human mind.  Only the Holy Spirit can enable us to understand the truth that has been revealed and communicated by the power of God.  Before you open the Bible, ask the Spirit to open your mind and heart to recognize and understand God’s wisdom.  


Also always open your Bible with trembling for you are about to encounter God’s holy, life-changing, inspired Word.



excerpt from Discovering God’s Daily Agenda by Henry and Richard Blackaby 


Answer Key                     


Ahéhee  =
Gracias  =
Merci =
Thank you =
Tärä Deve =


Guaymi (Native Indians in Panama)