
and Prayer Requests

 from Indonesia 

Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free

They are fasting.  Are you praying? In most countries Thursday (July 3) is the sixth day of fasting.  In Indonesia, by decree of the Department of Religion, we are on Day 5.  There is a splinter group that is on Day 7.  [When the lunar month starts and ends depends on how you calculate.  Some use sightings of the new moon at sunset. Others rely on astronomical calculations.   The “by sight group” dominates here, even though in a land as expansive as Indonesia, you must take a majority of the reports of sightings or “non-sightings.]


Experience proves that concentrated prayer during the Muslims’ month-long Ramadhan fast bears fruit.   Please look again at the section on intensive prayer during Ramadhan below.  We have updated it a bit.   Please join us in prayer.   An excellent way would be to pray each morning, noon or evening at a set time, using either or both of the guides you can access with links below.   It’s time to BOMB THE MUSLIM WORLD … WITH LOVE AND PRAYER!


Here are a few bullet points, we’d like for you to add to those prayers, please.


…Buzz a faithful Bee believer has often been challenged in life, by the financial demands of his wife who has in recent weeks returned to her parents. She is now spreading rumors than could affect Buzz’ life and witness even further.   Pray for him to be strong and to walk with the Lord.  Pray for the salvation of his wife, Sara.


…Esther, the restaurant owner, who has been moved toward faith by the testimony of believing employees (see May 7th mailing with subject line, “Lord, Forgive me!”).   This evening we plan to have our third bible study with her.   She has several family issues to work through.  Please pray for her to surrender to the Lord and to bring along others in her sphere of influence.   While we make a quick trip to the US (July 12-August 6) Okta and Lei (interns from the Java Bible College) will continue to meet with her.   They are relocating their sales program to a corner of Esther’s restaurant.   


… Dale, Al and wives report some encouraging contacts in their outreach in “Rabbit County.”


… Pray for preparation for the return of our valued co-worker from another Asian land.  When he comes we will be working with him to set up a business platform for his visa sponsorship.   Pray for those who heard the Gospel from him while he was here.


…Ask God to bless Abel with wisdom as he mentors believers among the Bees in Pleasant Port.  Ask God to bless his kingdom business which are his natural contact with many in the community.   The rumors Buzz’ wife are spreading about Buzz could implicate Abel as well.   


…What many feel could be a pivotal presidental election for Indonesia will take place next Wednesday, July 9.   One of the candidates has proven himself to respect and work closely with believers.  The other is a former general implicated in many human rights abuses, supported by most radical Muslims groups.


…Mike continues to reach out to the SKT people on the Northern coast of our island.


…The Lord willing we will arrive in Georgia on July 12th.  Then head home on August 6th.   We hope to participate in a Night of Prayer at Savannah Christian on July 23.  Most of our time and energy will be absorbed trying to settle into our new American retirement nest (on the outskirts of Carrollton). This place will make these quick trips to the US for medical and immigrations needs easier to manage.


God bless you Good Folk.  We appreciate your partnership so much!


Until all Clearly Hear,

Dennis and Lynn Free


Short term teams are welcome!  
Recent team conducting an “English is Fun” Day in a village area. 
 Searching for God’s plan for your life?  Want a significant short-term cross-cultural experience?  We invite you to consider the articles linked below.  Click the links

The Muslim month-long, day-light hours, fast will begin on June 28th and continue through July 27, 2014.   Over the years we have urged folk to join in prayer efforts for Muslims during this time when many are seeking to draw close to God as they understand Him.  We pray that they will have a growing spiritual hunger and that He will reveal Himself to them.   
We offer two programs you may want to use as you pray for Muslim during their “holy” month.  First,Southern Baptists in Texas have prepared a daily prayer guide.   You can access it here.  Ramadhan 2014 Prayer Guide from Texas.    This guide has a simple look but excellent material.
Students of Islam and Ministry to Muslims have published a 30-days prayer guide each Ramadhan since 1993,  in our last newsletter we gave information on how you could purchase hard copies or dowloadable pdf files.  Even if you did not do that you can still access this excellent material with this link.

From 1975
Dennis and Lynn who have been privileged to live and serve in Indonesia since 1975 thank you for your partnerhsip and prayers.