June 29 – July 5

Strategic Prayer Focus

Prayer is foundational to every aspect of Pioneer Bible Translators’ worldwide ministry. Please join us in praying for these strategic requests. 

We desire to serve an ever-increasing number of Bible-less people groups. Pray that God will enable us to be serving in 90 translation projects by the end of 2018. 

Pray that God will bring peace and stability to North Africa on behalf of the Bible-less people we serve there. 

Our team in West Africa has a critical need for literacy evangelists, a mechanic, and teachers. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send the right people to serve in these ways. 

New Testaments in six languages in East Africa are now being typeset for publication, and four others are undergoing final prepublication checks. Pray that God will prepare the people who speak each of these languages to receive His Word. 

Two weeks from today the New Testament in the Tay language will be dedicated in Papua New Guinea. Pray that these Scriptures will be heard and lived so that the Tay people become fully transformed by God. 

We need additional training coaches for our growing group of pre-field workers. Pray that God will raise up men and women with field experience to mentor our next generation of cross-cultural servants. 
Our Board of Directors offers invaluable guidance to our ministry. Pray that God will add to our board an experienced church planter and an expert in international security.

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