June 2014
Project New Hope International E-newsletter

Ecuador & Peru ~ Mike & Dani   

MISSIONARY LIFE: Iliana Bustios is a member of The Crossing Church in Las Vegas, Nevada. This June, she will be moving to Trujillo, Peru to become a missionary. Recently, Iliana spent two months in Santo Domingo, Ecuador training with the tools we use in our work in Peru and Ecuador. Please pray for her as she prepares for her journey in Peru. Here is a first-hand account of her story. Iliana’s Story When I first ventured to Santo Domingo, Ecuador I had no idea what I was in store for. Because of bad weather, my flight down took three days. But when I arrived, I was welcomed by the hugs and smiles of strangers I would soon call family. Read more

Board Update ~ Jim Weisert

I try to spend time reading and or attending different lectures, conferences and seminars throughout each year that can help me become a better leader. Last month I attended the 2nd annual International Wholestic Missions Conference in Peoria AZ. The unique thing about this conference is that the organizational host’s (Global CHE Network) approach to global missions is empowering communities to lift themselves up out of poverty who then train other local communities how to do the same. It is an incredibly successful approach to 21st century missions. If you haven’t read the book “When Helping Hurts” and you’re involved in any kind of international or local serving organization, buy the book today, read it, and then make plans to attend next year’s International Wholestic Missions Conference being held Apr 29th – May 1st 2015. Your organization will become a great benefit to all you serve from the knowledge and applications you will learn. Let me have the Leadership of CHE tell you about their approach: Read more
In This Issue
Ecudor & Peru
Board Update

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Project New Hope International
3165 S Alma School Rd
Suite #29-PMB 288
Chandler, AZ 85248-3764


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