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Our Past – South Sudan’s Present

Cholera killed 150,000 Americans between 1900 and 1920. Cholera became the first reportable disease in the United States due to the significant effects it had on health. The main symptoms are watery diarrhea and vomiting. This may result in dehydration and in severe cases grayish-bluish skin.Transmission occurs primarily by drinking water or eating food that has been contaminated by the feces (waste product) of an infected person, including one with no apparent symptoms. 


Last week we reported a CHOLERA outbreak in South Sudan This week Gudele Church hopes to launch a campaign in the mobilizing the church to confront the outbreak that has killed three of our villagers – funds for hygiene, sanitation and health relief are needed. We had immediate put out request to mobilize Mercy in the name of Christ.  


Out of our online request via Facebook, we had not received any funding for this relief. It is a challenging thought that our civilization enjoys incredible wealth and prosperity while others suffer from lack of safe water for simple hygiene and proper medication.  Despite lack of donation, we have released money from our foundational funds to help assist in the Mercy Mission directed to the people of Gudele. 


We do our best to share the victories and setbacks. While finances are a touchy subject with many, we who are of a different Kingdom understand that there are opportunities to reach many with the Victory message and we have the resources to make this happen.  


I trust that our Prayer Partners are at the top of those releasing God’s power by giving.  


This weeks prayer request is simply to:


Ask God to provide MERCY PARTNERS with wisdom in our activity in South Sudan.

Ask God to provide the local church in Gudele with resources through us or other means. 

Ask God to protect over Church leaders that we have empowered as they take risk. 

Ask God for us to trust if the resources are not present to go forward despite the present reality. 


If you have prayed and are led to contribute: 

 pledge by calling 1 910 920 0004 or CLICK HERE TO DONATE
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Mercy Partners, PO Box 236, Columbia North Carolina, 27925 is a 501c3 tax deductable charity.