What are YOUR mission field interests?

Perhaps you can read about some of them below…
(And, don’t miss the great devotion at the end!) 

ministry photos



  • Plans are coming along for the mission trip in July, which will assist with community outreach at the new Northern Hills church plant in Calgary.  Continue to pray for the team of 14 people and the new church plant.


  • Pastor Deybee and his wife Yocelyn (see photo) are moving from El Salvador to Guatemala this month to begin their ministry there. After graduation from Lifeline’s International Bible Institute at Santa Tecla, Deybee became Pastor Jose’s right hand man as a “do everything” professor.  Now he’s accepted the responsibility for overseeing our exciting new outreach in the outskirts of Guatemala City.  Please keep them in your prayers.  


El Salvador

  • Preparations are underway to receive one of our first “larger” work teams in El Salvador. Christ’s Church of the Valley (Royersford’s, PA) will soon be traveling there to participate in a myriad of Kingdom Building activities.  See the photo of a recent baptism.



  • Last week we requested $3000 to re-roof the Children’s Hut in Grand-Goave.  We praise God that $2000 has been received.  Can you help with the balance for this need?  Contact Bob@Lifeline.org. Note in the photo, that some old “Pi” (special grass) remains as the new material is being installed.  Thank you.
    • Work continues on the Children’s Home in Grand Goave; see photo.  Pray for this project as we’re working to complete construction in time for residents to move in prior to school starting in September.  Note that even though most finish materials and equipment are “on hand” in our storage depots, we still need nearly $50,000 to complete funding. Summer work teams have their work cut out for them here!!!  Prayers please.
  • Praise for the 2 work team members who were baptized in May!
  • Praises that the food containers continue to clear Haitian customs quickly.  



  • Praise the Lord!  Pastor Antonio reported two baptisms this past week.  We have a great team of leaders there!  The Bible Institute is off to a great start in their new location.  And, construction is continuing at the CaryHill project.  God is good. 


Navajo Ministry

  • Good news!  Coconino County just came out and gave us the thumbs up for passing the final inspection of the septic system installation at Red Sands!  You can see in the photo how they came up with the name Red Sands!  A big THANKS to all of you for your funding assistance and prayers.  Praise the Lord!  Now, please pray that we’ll soon be able to complete required work in bringing the church up to ADA compliance standards.  More thanks! 

  • We had a great end to the school year, and we are thankful that there seems to be a lot of good talk in Winslow about the new things happening at the Red Sands Christian School!


United States
  • The Hogs for Haiti ride  already has commitments from more riders than last year! If you ride or know any riders we’d love to have them join too.  Visit www.Lifeline.org/Hogs for details.
  • We love to connect you with needy not-yet-sponsored kids in our child sponsorship program! Park Chapel (Indiana) and Christ’s Church of the Valley (Pennsylvania) will be hosting sponsorship drives at their churches this summer …we are thankful for their partnership and also praying for many of these children to be sponsored by new individuals, groups & families!  Contact Lovelink@Lifeline.org for details to host a sponsor drive at your church!
  • Praise that Rob, Lifeline’s Database Manager and Bob & Gretchen’s son, is feeling good for now; chemo starts in 2 weeks.
  • We are thankful for all Lifeline’s Board Members; they are being such a blessing in their support and investment in Lifeline.
  • All our donors; for their generosity and for their hands-on involvement

Prayer Requests
  • Pray for sacrificial giving through the summer to meet the needs in our lean times.

  • We are receiving applications for new teachers and principal at Red Sands Christian School (Navajo ministry); please be in prayer for these upcoming selections.

  • Continue praying that God opens the door for a Navajo minister.

  • Prayer for the new computer training for Brian, Barb and Dawn.

  • Pray that new money from School Tuition Organizations starts coming in this month for the Red Sands Christian School (Navajo ministry). 

  • Summer work teams are going in many directions: Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador, and Canada.  Pray for safety, productivity, and spiritual fruitfulness.

  • Pray for the containers to Haiti that are filled with ministry items (not food).  Pray that they clear customs swiftly too; this is a big hurdle to overcome.

  • Pray for Dr Johana, who is on staff in Honduras in Lifeline’s Health Clinic.  She was married last December and recently found out she was pregnant.  Unfortunately, she had a miscarriage.  Keep her and her husband in your prayers.   

You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at www.Lifeline.org/pray.

www.Lifeline.org/Hogs People, Projects & Programs

Hogs for Haiti


In 2013, four men set out in the Hogs for Haiti ride – a nearly 9,000 mile trek – to raise awareness and funds for the new Children’s Home in Grand-Goâve, Haiti. From Salisbury, NC, to Southern California through Oregon and back, people joined the ride, while the four primary riders continued the whole way.

The ride did more than just raise awareness; it also raised money. At the first gas station, one man asked about the Hogs for Haiti flag on one of the bikes, and they had a chance to share what they were doing. He went back to his truck, came back with $6, and said “This is all I have with me. Thanks for what you’re doing.” This started a trend that was completely unexpected, powerful, and moved everyone involved. But, it was just the beginning. People gave money at gas stations, campgrounds, and Harley dealerships. Almost everywhere the group stopped, the story was told, and the Spirit moved. People across the United States were inspired to give, and they did so to the tune of over $25,000! 

The 2014 Hogs for Haiti ride is August 22 – September 5, 2014 and riders will experience the beauty of the Northeastern U.S. and Canada. Why don’t you join us for a day, a week or both weeks of the ride? It will impact you and the lives of the children!  


Visit www.Lifeline.org/Hogs or contact HogsForHaiti@Lifeline.org for the ride brochure, to donate towards the Children’s Home, or to coordinate your own ride fundraiser!


Your Partnership

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Gifts given to remember & honor


In honor of Harriett Calip, given by Howard & Joyce Bell


Hope in the Midst of Trials…


Romans 5:4-5 A few years ago my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.  Before the final diagnosis was made, my father, brothers, sister and I, along with others, had noted changes in my mother’s behavior, but we didn’t  “connect the dots” until the diagnosis was made.  It was then in retrospect that we could see early signs of the disease in my mother.


The last few years have brought a decline in her condition, physically and mentally.  She is no longer able to go out for family gatherings, or go to church with my father.   She now resides in an Alzheimer’s facility where she receives excellent care.  One day she may be somewhat sharp mentally, and the next (and sometimes within minutes) she is confused, fearful and uncertain.  Anyone who has had a loved one afflicted with this disease knows the feelings of helplessness, sadness, and grieving that comes with trying to show love and ministry to someone who at one time was so close, and now at times is so far away, even when you are in the same room with them.


As I’ve seen this unfold in the life of my mother, I admit there are times that I feel sad.  But there is also a passage of scripture that passage of scripture has come to mind on more than one occasion – “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”   James 1:2-4


James reminds us that trials, when we trust in God’s leading, can develop perseverance.  They can raise us to a higher level of maturity.  We can even find joy in them because they teach us lessons that help us to grow in our faith in God and in our relationship with others.


In this case I’ve learned from my father what it means to live out the wedding vow where love and commitment is pledged, “in sickness and in health.”  I’ve seen it in his daily visits to my mother, in his expressions of love toward my mother, and in his attention to the details of her care.  I’ve seen a side of my dad that has always been there, but has come to the surface in a powerful way and taught me some valuable lessons.  I am thankful that God is using this situation to show this to me.


That’s what trials can do for us.  Even in the most unpleasant of circumstances, God can show us things that we may never have seen or learned before that will mold us into stronger and more effective followers of him.  It may not be pleasant at the moment, but over time we can look back and see God working through it to help us grow stronger spiritually.


What trial are you dealing with today?  It may be painful, it may bring uncertainty, and you may not yet see clearly what God is seeking to show you and teach you through it.    But God will teach you something in it if you keep your heart open toward him.  In him we never walk alone.   



by Keith Dimbath, Lifeline’s Work Team Director