2015 Women's team to Haiti
We are thrilled with your excitement and enthusiasm for the 2015 women’s team to Haiti!  If fact, due to your overwhelming response, the team quickly filled up within a couple weeks and is now full!
But, we would still love to have you join in us in Haiti or Honduras!  


In Haiti, we have openings for individuals to join the team on January 19-28. And in Honduras, there are two trip options in February.  There are also numerous other dates in 2015 which are open for you (and a friend or two!) to join us on the mission field…simply visit www.Lifeline.org/Go for the current schedule or contact Cathi@Lifeline.org.



We look forward to serving with you in Haiti or Honduras!
Gretchen & Christi,
Women’s Team Coordinators
P.S. We may have some openings after August 1 if some registrants are not able to participate.  If you would like to be placed on a waiting list, simply contact Cathi@Lifeline.org. 



Lifeline Christian Mission   ||   Restoring hope among the nations 

Haiti | Honduras | El Salvador | Cuba | Panama | Guatemala | Navajo Nation | Canada | USA


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Lifeline Christian Mission | 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 133 | Westerville | OH | 43081-3363