You, Them, and Us:

with God, we are Kingdom Builders!
(All four parts are necessary)
damaged roof

The “Kingdom” needs a new roof! It’s for the Choucoune at our Grand Goave Campus in Haiti! As you can see in the photo, it’s time for a new Pi roof (Pi is the type of grass used). This is especially important because we have several classes of grade school students meeting there each day, in addition to it’s use in conjunction with church activities.  Since this was not a budgeted repair, we’re in immediate need for $3000 to pay for the work that has already started.  Will you help? Any extra funds received will go toward Children’s Home construction. (ContactBob@Lifeline.orgThank You!

Some other projects recently started are the basketball court in Deuxieme Plaine (being measured by Denis, Oldolph and Pastor Stuart) and the ceramic floor tile at our new Children’s Home in Grand-Goave, Haiti. See photos below.
 projects in Haiti

photos from the ministry fieldPraises


  • Andy Sims, Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director, just returned from another successful leadership seminar in Cuba, focusing their attention on just two house churches.  This personalized approach established a special rapport that blessed, equipped, and encouraged all.


El Salvador

  • 2 more baptisms in Santa Tecla Christian Church!
  • Christ’s Church of the Valley in Philadelphia is sending a team to El Salvador to lead a 3-day camp for kids leading up to the launch of a new church in Sonsonati.  CCV has used these camps to launch new churches/campuses in the USA.  Now, that experience will be used to train leaders and expand the kingdom in El Salvador.



  • One of the work team members on last week’s team was baptized.  Lana is a member of the Cox School of Nursing work team that comes each year to learn and serve.
  • The roof is on the new Children’s Home in Grand Goave!   We are praising God and asking for continued prayers as summer work teams focus on finishing touches.
  • Praises that more food containers are in Haiti and more are on their way; they seem to be flowing well now as customs is clearing them more rapidly.


United States
  • We are celebrating 1.5 million ABC food meals packed so far this year!  Thank you for packing food for hungry kids in Haiti and around the world!  

Prayer Requests
  • For the 9 principal churches in Honduras to continue to grow and spread the Gospel to a nation that desperately needs Jesus.

  • The churches are growing in Honduras; pray for those who attend the Bible Institute to continue to be equipped to lead people to Jesus. 
  • Gang activity in Colony Gonzales, Honduras has increased; pray for the safety of our school children and staff.
  • Upcoming summer work teams

  • Lifeline finances (we have arrived at the bumps in the road and a “slow down” financially)
  • That the church in Guatemala will thrive as it is in its infancy.
  • Rob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Database Manager and Bob and Gretchen’s oldest son, who is battling stomach cancer.
  • For the homes of 4 of our Lifeline staff who have been trying to sell their homes; pray they are successful in selling their homes this summer.  Some of them have been waiting several years for their homes to sell so they could be closer to Lifeline’s office.
  • The roof on the hut in Haiti (where Intervention Classes are held for the primary school) must be replaced; it is going to cost about $3,000.  
  • Also, the condenser fan in the Library in Grand Goave needs replaced.
  • As the churches in Honduras continue to grow, their worship bands could use some much needed equipment, such as electric and acoustic guitars, microphones, etc. Contact if you could donate any of these items.
  • Pray for the new church being launched at Sonsonati in El Salvador on July 6.
  • Pray for a sponsor to fund Lifeline’s portion ($2000) for the Convention of Churches in Haiti this summer.  This convention has been a blessing to the Christians gathered from all 14 of Lifeline’s churches.  Last year, we were not able to host the convention.  Please pray for funding and planning to go smoothly so that out churches can gather for worship, community, vision and growth. for more information.
  • Carolyn Finney’s (a participant in the women’s work team) daughter has to have a liver transplant.  Please pray for Carolyn and her daughter. 



You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at

health care ministry in Honduras and HaitiPeople, Projects & Programs

Health Care Ministry 


Lifeline serves about 25,000 patients a year in our 2 clinics in Haiti and 1 in Honduras. We focus on the children in our child sponsorship program (nutrition programs, schools, children’s homes) and the public who seek general medical care or specialty clinics for prenatal, hypertension, and diabetic patients. The patients receive medicines and outstanding care. Most importantly, each day begins with a devotion for the patients and then individual prayer as their treatment is concluded. Thus they hear about Jesus, the Great Physician and the giver of eternal life.

In both Haiti and Honduras, we encounter a significant amount of illnesses related to their tropical environments and poor diet: respiratory diseases (wood and charcoal cook fires), contagious illnesses (from school classrooms), gastro-intestinal ailments including parasites (poor eating habits and poor hygiene), and skin related conditions (associated with the dust, dirt and lack of adequate water) are all common health problems. We also see many pregnant women in Haiti and Honduras because, for the most part, “family planning” is to have as many children as possible; it is part of their culture and self-worth. 

Part of the Health Care Ministry involves teaching the patients so that they can participate more actively in their own well-being. We encourage team members to teach (via translators) subjects like child development, illness prevention, prenatal education, hypertension and/or diabetes management, etc.

Additionally, we encourage a time of cross-cultural enrichment between the staff and work team members as the clinic staff learn about the latest news in health care. Likewise, the clinic staff teach the work team members about the local health care delivery systems and the beliefs, practices and cultural habits of the people. 

While we host a large number of health care related work teams to Haiti, we want to encourage more health care professionals to join us in Honduras. In Honduras, Dr. Johanna, medical doctor, and Dr. Loida, our dentist of over 10 years, focus on the whole patient. Visiting health care team members are integrated into the clinic flow and concentrate on the physical, as well as the spiritual needs of the patients. The Okolona Christian Church team in 2013 treated and ministered to 500 patients in 5 days! We’d love to have you join us too! for details.  


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Men's Haiti work team Support Lifeline at the grocery store golf outing
Pray for Forgiveness


It’s not difficult to see why these two statements are found side by side in Scripture…


Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed.  

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.  James 5:16


First, we’re called to confess our sin.  We’re to openly acknowledge our trespasses, fully agree with God that we’ve done wrong, and then accept what is to come as a result of our sins.  Confessing in a public fashion – as James calls us to do – provides an opportunity for personal cleansing as well as corporate instruction and accountability.


After hearing this call to confession, we read about the prayers of “a righteous man.”  When we confess our sin and ask forgiveness, we become holy due to Christ’s death on the cross for that sin.  Then, having been cleansed of our sin, we can pray effectively as we pray fervently.


You don’t have to be a spiritual giant before God answers your prayer.  But God does expect you to enter His presence with a keep sense of your need for His involvement in your life.  The heartfelt prayers of a desperate sinner gain God’s immediate attention.


So pray for forgiveness, pray fervently, and watch God work.



Excerpt from Discovering God’s Daily Agenda by Henry & Richard Blackaby

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