Travelin’ Miles: Scripture Impact Through Literacy!
May 2014



Prayer prompts

Pray for the “Scripture Impact  Through Literacy” seminar that Marsha Martin and I will be leading in Dallas, June 8-13.
Pray for our formatting work on the Aruamu Scripture reading book, Year B. (Nathan and I are both involved in working on this; we plan to send a PDF copy to Papua New Guinea in the next couple of weeks, to be printed for reviewer checking.)
Pray this month for Aruamu team, as drafting continues on Deuteronomy,  1  Kings, Job, and Ezekiel.
Pray for ongoing development of Aruamu literacy curriculum.
Pray for Nathan as he works on software development for making Bibles available digitally.



 Scripture Impact Through Literacy

Dear friends,
I would appreciate your prayers as I work together with my PBT Literacy Specialist colleague Marsha Martin (who works in Africa) as we teach a Continuing Education Seminar for field missionaries called “Scripture Impact Through Literacy” in June.   (Yes!  PBT has two Marshas – Marsha Martin and Marsha Miles!)  We will be assisted by PBT folks who are involved in literacy works on a number of our fields. Marsha and I have been developing the content for the course over the last weeks.

A great deal of commitment, scholarship, sacrifice and teamwork goes into the long-term task of translating God’s Word into the language of a group of people.  However, ultimately in terms of ongoing Scripture Impact, all of this amounts to nothing if the people of that language group cannot read what has been translated!   Translation and literacy must go hand in hand if we intend to see the Scriptures in use in the language groups where we work.  Enabling people to have enduring access to the Word necessitates that we give concerted planning, expertise, and effort to Literacy work in EACH of the translation programs where we serve.
There are many factors to be considered in planning a literacy program, and many ways to do a literacy program. We want each of our language teams to be equipped to plan  strategically about how to move the people group(s) with whom they work toward ongoing literacy and scripture access. In the seminar, we want to provide  a broad overview of literacy factors and approaches, a smorgasbord of ideas and resources, as well as helpful connections with fellow PBTers who are facilitating Scripture Impact through Literacy around the world.   

Thank you so much for partnering with us in global missions.
Blessings to you,
Marsha Miles
(for Nathan, as well)

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