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Thank you for taking a moment to read this follow-up last week’s message about the situation in Ukraine. Unfortunately things are not improving greatly. The regional center in Simferopol (located in Crimea) is under the control of the Russian Federation. The construction of the Multi-Purpose Resource Center continues, and it is also under Russian authority. 
Our NOMaD team in Donetsk, Ukraine is safe, but the situation in the border city between Ukraine and Russia intensifies daily. The team is in relatively good spirits, considering the situation. The production team at the regional center in Simferopol actually completed a worship video during recent escalation of the conflict, a testimony to their resilience and faith in our great God (watch for the release of the worship video on Tuesday).
Here is a short update sent by colleagues in Donetsk.
Here is a short 3-minute video calling people to pray.
Because of the political turmoil in Ukraine, we have had to make some adjustments to our regional center. An additional office is needed for GNPI-Ukraine outside of the occupied Crimean territory. This unexpected expense will require $12,000 that was not budgeted for 2014. If you can help meet this urgent need, please go to www.gnpi.org/donate and write Ukraine in the comment box as you donate.