On Friday, we learned that Al Hamilton, preacher, mission leader, and friend had taken a turn for the worse health wise. The following note comes from Dale & Sonja Hawkins. (Sonja is the Hamilton’s middle daughter)

Dear Friends,


We took Al to Boone Hospital Thursday morning with respiratory distress.  The doctors have done all that they know to do for his condition and have recommended hospice.  Please keep Al and Annette and all the family ,as well as, the hospital staff in your prayers as we go through the time ahead which the doctor said could be hours, days, or possibly weeks.   Al has been very weak, but of good spirit.  Sonja’s older sister, Fran, is here and her younger sister, Karen, will be flying in on Sunday.  We thank God for His promises and assurances, especially at this time.

Because He lives,

Dale and Sonja