While you may be distant 
in miles and culture, 
you were present 
in each celebration 
of hope and new life.
Thank you! 


On Easter Sunday, there were 7228 people who worshipped a risen Savior in 46 Lifeline churches around the world.  There were 63 baptisms in Haiti alone. 


Your sacrifice, prayer, service, and gifts enabled people in Honduras, El Salvador, Haiti, Cuba, Guatemala, Panama, Navajo Nation, and Canada to discover what genuine, lasting hope really is.   

  • Christ’s resurrection and victory over death and Satan!

Easter carnival in Calgary Canada

  • Northern Hills Church (the 3-month-old church plant in Calgary) hosted a special community carnival event Easter weekend and over 1000 people attended!  Pray for more families to continue to connect to this new, growing church. (see photo on right of one excited child running towards the carnival!)



  • 6 people were baptized in Guatemala. 



  • Anthony & Victoria Taylor and Elaine Angell arrived safely in Haiti to host, coordinate, and lead the work teams from Northfield Church of Christ (Fort Dodge, Iowa) and The Creek (Indianapolis, Indiana).
  • The new electrical system (new generators) in Haiti are working well with the automatic switching system we were able to install.
  • Grand Goave Children's Home All the trusses are in place on the new Children’s Home in Grand Goave; the last “big” job is putting on the galvanized roofing and it will start this coming week. After that are the finishing touches and installation of plumbing, electrical, windows, tile, etc. (see photo on right)
  • Lifeline’s Haiti Report of Activities and our Import List have been approved by the Haitian government. Praise God!  This should expedite containers faster allowing us to save high demurrage costs.
  • There were 63 baptisms in the 14 Lifeline churches in Haiti on Sunday.  Thank you for the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection.  We can ALL have new life.


Navajo Ministry

  • Praising God – as we also pray – that Lifeline may receive some grant-type funds to offset tuition for Red Sands Christian School!  This is our school where most of the students are Navajo children. 
United States
  • Only 7 days left! Lifeline is in the home stretch of Web Thrift Store’s Lean Spring Clean competition! Help us to reach our goal by donating today. Your donations help feed a hungry child, educate a young leader, provide medical care to an expecting mother, and so much more!  Go to lifeline.webthriftstore.com and click “Donate your stuff.” Feel free to email Taylor@lifeline.org with questions. 
  • We had a great turn out for our first “Meet & Dessert” event, which introduced and connected new individuals to Lifeline’s ministry.  We are praying for much fruit to come of this.  See the article below for more information on this!
  • Commitments for Lifeline’s food packing event at the NACC are coming in!  7 of the 20 time slots have already been sponsored.  Your church, business or organization still has the opportunity to sponsor a session.  Simply contact Matt or Ben at Lifeline’s office for details.
  • The donated home in Indiana closed/sold and Lifeline was able to use those funds to God’s glory.
  • Great Board of Directors Meeting on April 19.  Lifeline has an amazing supportive, wise, generous, and spiritual team of Directors who guide and encourage faithfully.
  • Praising God that our 2013 annual Ministry Reports are completed.  A small supply of the printed reports will be sent to each Lifeline supporting church.  If you would like a printed report, contact Dana@Lifeline.org.  The report is also available for download at www.Lifeline.org/MinistryReport.
  • ABC food packing events.  God is blessing this ministry!  

Prayer Requests
  • Red Sands Christian Church at Navajo Nation still requires updating and remodeling to meet ADA (American Disabilities Act) standards.  The cost for these renovations is nearly $20,000.  Please help us meet this need and pray others will join you in giving.  Contact JD@Lifeline.org if you or your church/organization could assist with this need.
  • Safety and effectiveness in leading the upcoming Haiti team for Anthony & Victoria Taylor and Elaine Angell. Pray specifically that this team will have an outstanding mission experience as they construct homes, conduct VBS, and minister through distribution and home visits for prayer. They will also distribute gifts from sponsors to children.  
  • Pray for Bob DeVoe, Royce Cheeseman and Todd Krahel who are traveling to Haiti as part of a 4 country trip.

  • Keith and Christi Dimbath head to Arizona to lead the first work team (from Sunbury Christian Church, Sunbury, Ohio) of the year there.  The team will minister to the homeless, to children, to the church and Bible study, and to the school children, as well as participate in work projects.

  • Lifeline will be at the Exponential Conference in Orlando, FL next week.  Pray for us to make many connections and build new relationships from this gathering of church planters.  If you will be there, please stop by to say hello!
  • Pray for the next leadership seminar in Cuba (May 13-19).  Communication has been very difficult for a variety of reasons, delaying our ability to plan and prepare.  Pray for our team to feel confident in spite of the uncertainty.  God knows exactly what we need.  The more we rely on Him, the better this trip will be.
  • Rob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Database Manager, was scheduled to begin chemotherapy but is not doing well post-radiation.

  • Lifeline has an on-going need of $14,000 per container to ship donated items to Haiti. While the food-packing events include costs for shipping, most other donated ministry supplies that needs shipped to Haiti or Honduras typically do not include a contribution for shipping funds.  We have nearly 4 containers of goods in our warehouse to ship, but only a fraction of the shipping funds.

  • If you would like to make a generous donation – whether it’s $7000 for a partial container, $1000, or $100 – to help ship these much-needed supplies and equipment to the mission fields, simply send a check (notate “Shipping”) or contribute online.  Contact Gretchen@Lifeline.org with questions.


You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at www.Lifeline.org/pray.

People, Projects & Programs

New! ‘Meet & Desserts’ around the USA & Canada!


Lifeline is scheduling a series of “Meet & Desserts” around the U.S. and Canada.  These informal gatherings bring together people who are not connected to Lifeline to introduce them to our ministry and share the many ways that they can impact lives here and around the world.  We share service opportunities with attendees and present information on ways that individuals, churches and organizations can dig their hands and hearts into missions through Lifeline, in any one of the ministries/mission fields where Lifeline has a presence.  


Our “Meet & Desserts” are relatively small gatherings of 50 or less people and only last about 1½ hours.  Lifeline staff, Bob & Gretchen DeVoe, and others are present to share about the ministry.  


As we schedule these gatherings, we need your help!  We need:

  • Home Hosts: someone who opens their doors to the event
  • Group Hosts: Lifeline veterans who are already engaged in the ministry and who are willing to invite folks to attend who don’t know Lifeline 


If you would like to assist or simply would like more information, contact Gretchen@Lifeline.org.

Your Partnership

Additional ways that you can support and learn more about Lifeline…

Health Care Ministry sponsor a child continue the conversation on Facebook
Memorials & Honorariums
In Remembrance


In memory of Doug Corcoran who went home to be with Christ on April 1, 2014.  We send our prayers and thank you to Jeanne and Family for the memorial gifts sent to Lifeline. Please keep the Corcoran Family in your prayers as they experience the grief of separation from their loved one. Doug left an amazing legacy of people he impacted for the Lord. And he loved Lifeline and the child they sponsor in Haiti, Sam Lormil. 

Jesus’ Second Most Important Prayer


John 17:20-23

Nearly a third of Planet Earth’s human inhabitants profess to be believers in Jesus Christ.  And most of us have just retraced Jesus’ footsteps from Galilee back to Jerusalem; from the streets of Jerusalem to the Upper Room for the Last Supper; from the Upper Room to His anguished prayer in the Garden; from Gethsemane to Pilate’s judgment hall; from those mock trials down the Via Dolorosa; from that Way of Suffering up to Golgotha, Calvary’s Hill; from that old, rugged cross being carried down to the borrowed tomb of Joseph of Arimathea; and out of that rock-hewn tomb in glorious resurrection, triumphant over sin, death and the grave!

The footsteps of Jesus continued among the disciples for another forty days before they disappeared into the clouds at Bethany. But lest we forget, could be go back to that night before the cross, to ask, “What was the most important prayer Jesus ever prayed?”
I believe it was His prayer in the Garden, “Father, if possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not my will, but Yours be done.” Without that prayer of absolute embrace of the Father’s will, Jesus’ reason for being born would have gone unfulfilled and we would be without a Saviour. And if we are to be true followers of Jesus, we too, must make that prayer our own.
Then what is Jesus’ second most important prayer? Is it “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”? Or, “Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit”? Or the prayer
He taught his disciples to pray, “Our Father… Your Kingdom come, Your will be done…” ?
I believe Jesus’ second most important prayer was the one He prayed in the Upper Room for “all who will believe on me…  may they all be one, Father, just as You and I are one…”

(Can you hear an echo of “not my will, but yours be done” in those words?)  


Why is this prayer so important? Jesus gives the reason in the very next words of His prayer:

“that the world may believe that You sent me.” Isn’t that a big enough reason for all believers

to make Jesus’ prayer our very own – a waiting world in need of a Savior to believe in? 


How many of the two billion professing believers who retraced Jesus’ steps over the last

few days were reminded of His prayer in the Upper Room that specifically included them?

(John 17:20-23)  Following in the footsteps of Jesus must inevitably bring us into harmony

with that prayer of our Lord.


The mind of the Father and the heart of the Son are one. Through the Holy Spirit given to

believers we are made one in the Lord. First and foremost, one with the Lord; and as an

inescapable result, one with all others who are one in Him. Not because we all look alike or

think alike. You don’t have to be my twin to be my brother or sister. But we must carry this

family DNA: “Not my will, Yours be done!”



by Thomas E. Mackey, Fellowship of John 17:21

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