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A Revolving Inspiration

By Jason Miller, NOMaD Coordinator

In January I traveled more than 21,000 miles, stopping in Indonesia and a couple different locations in India. While I was in Indonesia, I did some training with the guys who will be working on the audio recording of The Global Gospel in the Indonesian language. It was a short, but very good time. We are so thankful for the way God wrote the rest of this story…


More News From GNPI…


Lord, There is None Like You! – Last week’s feature is an

   update on the situation in Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea. 
See What You Gave These Kids… – Here’s a photo and short

   story of how a GNPI Solar Kit is being used in Romania.
A Quick Look at “Vision Night” in Joplin – Sights and sounds of

   the first of three “Vision Night” events we had last month.

Click here to see all the blogs

Praying for Ishmael’s Tribe

This “Prayercast” video is not linked to a specific country, but the “people group” who are the descendants of Ishmael. Four of every five Muslims – 20% of the world’s population – have never heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. Watch and pray with us!



Manee Reflects on US Trip

By Mike Schrage

We’ve shared with you over the past month a series of short videos illustrating how God is using GNPI throughout the world… However, it’s not about us! It is about the many missionaries and nationals we serve throughout the world. That’s why we do what we do. Manee Massey is a perfect example of this.




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