The situation in Russia, Ukraine, and the now Russian occupied Crimea, is less and less in the news. That’s how it is with news, a new story comes along to take the place of the what WAS the hottest story, and we start to forget. For those in Crimea and Ukraine, it is still very much the main story.

Here are some photos taken in Kiev, Ukraine, that you probably didn’t see in the news. Imagine if this were the capital city of your home.


The regional center for GNPI is located in Simferopol, an 11 hour drive from Kiev. Simferopol is in Crimea, now part of Russia. So, in essence, the GNPI regional center is now in Russia. As for our staff there, they are not just okay, they are doing well! GNPI staff members in Joplin visited with the team via Skype call just last week. It was wonderful to see their faces and hear their faith as they explained their circumstances. They are cheerful and awaiting instructions as to how they can become legal citizens. In the midst of all this they continue to produce their latest music video Take My Life and Let it Be, how appropriate.

In an email Sergei sent this week he said,

“The Nieuwenhuis (Novy Dom) Training Center construction is going on and we even have some booking applications from Russia already! Looks like God has a much more far reaching plan on reaching Russians through our ministry then we did.

While a lot is uncertain, we do not neglect any opportunity to serve. It was a special blessing for me to have a conference on the topic of seeking God’s will in times of trouble with a group of young Christian professionals and to speak to a Christian youth club. How great encouragement it is to see young people passionate for spreading the truth of God in the midst of the storms of life! The fields are white. Troubles in the world make people look for the hope beyond it. . . . People are thirsty for the truth, and looks like God uses the situation powerfully.”


Youth club 882 2

Psalm 86:8-9 (NIV) says, “Among the gods there is none like you, Lord; no deeds can compare with yours. All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name.”

Please pray for wisdom and continued safety for our co-workers in Russia. Pray for God’s power to be displayed among the nations!