Praying for Completion

“I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.” Psalm 89:1


It is with great joy that I share with you today the impressive progress of a project that is very dear to LIA. Glory be to God.

As you know, LIA has been called to serve the least of these, the most vulnerable, and we have been called to raise up and train leaders to successfully do so in their own communities. Several years ago, the Lord showed me that we were to have a training center that would serve to develop leaders from all nations, and during the last two years, we have witnessed that vision beginning to come to fruition.

In December of last year, we broke ground on construction at the training center site. Since then the foundation for two of the three planned blocks has been laid, the water reservoir for the buildings is 80% complete, and more than 20% of the construction is finished! I was on site just a few days ago and was overjoyed to see the vision taking shape. We are so grateful that God has entrusted this task to us, and that He has remained faithful in seeing us through all aspects of the building process.



Today I ask that you join me in praising the Lord for His steadfast love and goodness, giving thanks for all that He has already accomplished. Truly, none of it would have been possible without Him. I also ask that you join me in praying over the continued construction of the center that it will come to its completion without any setbacks or hindrances..

Phases I and II are set to be completed in January 2015. Pray that progress would continue to be smooth and that all will go according to plan. Join us in our prayers for God’s provision of the remaining $164,000 needed to complete the first and second phases and that everything would be in place to begin construction on schedule for the third and final phase. It is clear that our Lord  has commissioned this project and gone before us.

Let us praise our God who is leading us according to His purpose and will. To Him be all the glory! Thank you for faithfully upholding this project and the ministry in prayer.

In Christ,

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