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Set The Bar High

by Nenette Pacoli, regional director in the Philippines

It was an exciting day—the day we showed the Courtship episode of WWJD to over 60 college students at a public university near our church.

Part of our plan this year is to go to Christian organizations, schools, etc. to offer our materials, and it seems the Lord is showing the way to go; he is definitely ahead of us!



More News From GNPI…


I Am Not Afraid to Preach the Gospel Now – A miraculous story

  of how God used murderous intentions for good!
Shopping on Amazon – if you shop on then you can

   easily help GNPI.
God’s Love Invading Thailand – in case you missed this one last

   week…God is on the move in Thailand!

Click here to see all the blogs

Meet Liam and Ruby


We are close to unveiling Liam and Ruby, our brand new GNPI kid’s program. Six episodes, each under 5 minutes, will be great to use in your VBS program or in any kid’s program where you want to teach kids that they are never too young to get involved with missions.


GNPI Living Room Sessions, Part 1

Dear Friends – As you may have heard, we recently hosted three Vision Night events in Joplin, Indianapolis, and Phoenix. The turnout and response was simply amazing. I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to hear what we were so excited to share with these great crowds. Stay tuned weekly, as over the next month, you’ll have the chance to come into my home…



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