Prayer for Exciting Changes

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
James 1:27


With the beginning of Spring and quick approach of Easter, I am reminded of and excited by the possibilities that come with new beginnings. This week, we want to give special prayer attention to our work in Kenya. The LIA Kenya team has undergone some recent changes and is on the precipice of launching some new programs. As transitions are made and programs begin, I ask that you join me in praying over this time of growth.

First, let us celebrate the addition of Alice Wainaina, to the LIA team. She has served with us for most of last year as our International Assistant Regional Director, and she has recently also begun serving as acting our Kenya Country Director. Although she only joined the LIA team formally months ago, Alice has been around LIA for a while, knows several of the pastors we serve with in the communities, and has participated in the program work we do in Kibera. Please join me in praying that she would continue to ease into this role with grace, strength and discernment, and that she would find the balance in her roles not only with work, but also as wife and mother.

The LIA Kenya team has made adjustments to our program implementation approach making th most of the freedom we have in the country to mainstream the role of the church in what we do. These changes now make the church even more central and increase the role of the trained trainers in driving transformational development. We have seen great results with the pilot communities and ask that you join us in praying for improved empowerment efficiency and greater impact that we feel these changes will bring on board.

We are also excited to announce the launch of two new orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) projects in Thika and Mathare. We are so thankful that God has provided the partnerships needed for these programs to take place, and ask that you pray with us for a smooth implementation of the new projects with much success. Pray that the right children would be led to participate in these programs and that God would prepare their hearts to receive the transformation He has planned for them. Ask that God would guide us and our community partners in all aspects of the work and that we would be the hands and feet of Christ to these children in their affliction. Pray also that we would fully rely on and trust in The Lord for funding and resources to carry out these important programs to the desired end.

As our Kenya staff continues to implement more efficient models and adjust to new circumstances, please join me in praying that all setbacks and hindrances to their work and progress in the communities to glorify God would be defeated and that the work would exceed all expectations, bringing joy to everyone involved and giving God glory.

Grateful that you partner with us weekly to lift up these requests to our mighty God.

In Christ,

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