Beyond Relief 


Dear Friends,
We always try to focus on the progress that we are making in Haiti.  There are a lot of happy, exciting things we could share.  But this past week we held a child who suffers so much from neglect and malnutrition that we had to check his pulse while holding him.   Seeing these children suffering and so deprived of food reminds us once again how little time we have to make a difference.  The fact remains that every 6 seconds a child will die in this world from hunger.  Extreme poverty is real.  

We are doing everything we can to intercede on behalf of these children.  But for every oprphanage like this that we have begun to support, there are hundreds more.  We want to help more.  We need your financial support to do it.  It’s $6.25 per child per month or just $75 for a year.  

Next month, we will send you news on all the awesome team visits, progress on the processing center, vocational school, and farmers.  It will be back to business as usual, but today HELP US FEED HUNGRY CHILDREN. Click the Donate button to give online.

We found this orphanage by accident.  A wrong turn led us to them.  We have added them to our 6.25 program and have  partners in Haiti helping us monitor the health of these little ones.

Can you feed just one?  Maybe you can feed 10 kids every month.  Can your church sponsor this orphanage?  
Please do what you can.  We are grateful for your partnership. Click the donate button to give online.

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for updates on the Leogane Orphanage.

Email us at if you would like information on bringing a team to Haiti.