Greetings from Taiwan:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your should and with all your strength” (Deut 6:5).  God is the source of love, and is deserving of our whole-hearted devotion.  No other faith is founded on such a foundation.  No other foundation is as complete, or pure or necessary for our well-being.  This is the topic for this weekend, as our Come Church does Go Church.  Yesterday, one of our leaders, James Zhang, shared with the youth group from the OT how important faithfulness is to the Lord.  He even shared from the life of Solomon, how easy it is to be led astray, but how important it is to remain in God’s love.
This past week we had our semi-annual board meeting for the orphanage.  The good news is that the new facility is nearing completion and that the funds are enough to pay for the exterior building.  The matters for concern are a lack of certified social workers.  The government will not let the Home of God’s Love operate with social workers.  So, please pray with us that the Lord will lead us to Christian individuals who are government certified!
James and Wendy, are planning a May 10th wedding and meeting weekly with me.  They are both near decisions to follow Jesus.  Please pray for them as they take these steps toward faith.
Mark McGill, the senior in HS, who had scoliosis surgery nearly four months ago, is doing remarkably well.  We had opportunity to see him yesterday, and he is now nearly pain-free, and swimming several times each week.  We are so thankful to be able to assist, as we, too, have been through similar situations.  PTL!
Sports & English Camp registration began yesterday for teenagers in our churches island-wide.  We are praying that the Lord will prepare these young people to want to follow Jesus wholeheartedly!  Also, we are praising the Lord for a Las Vegas church who is preparing to send a large group to assist with camp this summer!  Please pray as we prepare for camp.  
My mother, Juanita, has been in the hospital this past week, having fallen several times recently.  We are awaiting news from doctors on what the reason might be.  Meanwhile, please pray for her.  In pinky news, the doctor scolded me this week because my finger is now “very infected.”  He could not remove the stitches.  Please pray that my finger heals as it should, as I behave myself. 
Thank you for your partnership with us in this ministry!  May your love grow and grow!

All for God’s Glory Among the Nations,
Dave Atkin