March 23, 2014

Greetings from Taiwan:

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpasssing power is from God and not from us” (II Cor 4:7).  This past Thursday evening, during our GO leadership training, we studied from II Cor 3 & 4.  This verse, in particular, reminded us that God is with us, enabling us to do infinitely more than all we could ask or imagine.
We’ve been asking you to pray for Micah and Ring.  Last Lord’s Day, Micah shared a testimony of how the Lord had resolved their family struggles in a “perfect” way.  It was a great encouragement to all, and testified to the truth of II Cor 4:7.  Micah and Ring have also learned about the importance and power of our testimony.  Praise the Lord!
Sports & English Camp early-bird registration will begin this week.  We are praying for the teens that will register, the faculty that we still need to raise up and the “Not a fan.” curriculum that we are preparing.  There is still much to do before July 13-19, so please pray.
On Friday and Saturday, Noah and I were going to scratch off a bucket list item — climbing Nung Gow Mountain.  Unfortunately, my pinky finger had a run-in with a table saw blade.  And, though my pinky is still connected to my hand, it did require not a few stitches.  So, I am drinking my coffee like royalty these days — with my pinky finger not holding on to the cup.  This may also limit my monthly golf participation.  So, would you please pray for quick healing and no infections.
We are now at just four months until we disengage from serving with the Come Christian Church, hear in Taichung.  Please pray with us for the transition and for what comes next for the Atkin family.
Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer!  For, we know where the power comes from, don’t we!  Thank you, God!
All for God’s Glory Among the Nations,
Dave Atkin