March 19 2014

Tough decisions face many who did not vote for Crimea’s secession. They are unsure about their future if they stay in Crimea — if they do not accept Russian citizenship.
Those who have been vocally against separation have suffered for it, or seen those around them suffer. All the promises of ‘all will be all right now’ sound like the rest of the lies fed the people. They cannot tell truth from lie and fear the worst. Probably in time things will settle down and there will be no more discrimination against them. But, then again … can they make it thru the early months and first year while things are stabilizing? Will the laws change and change again under the unstable government of Crimea? Things are not very stable in Kiev, either, but they put more trust in KIev than in Simferopol or Moscow. But Crimea is their home. Ukrainian is their nationality (though, the speak Russian and may not even be able to speak Ukrainian). Hard feelings divide families and churches.
How will those who favored a new & united Ukraine (with high hopes of far less corruption ruining the country and their lives, even though the same corrupted officials are in seats of authority) fare in the work place and schools alongside of those who considered them neo-Nazis and fascist because of their support of Maidan“?
Pray for Ukraine and Crimea. Pray for those Christians who lined up on different sides of the big issues, that their sense of citizenship in the Kingdom and their relationship as brothers and sisters will be stronger than their political views. I do not want to underestimate the importance of political views (for they usually include much more than politics), nor the importance of Christians considering the teachings of the Bible on issues of justice, mercy, truth-telling, integrity, loving one’s enemies, standing for the truth, and being honest about realities.  And walking humbly with the Lord your God.
Pray for those who face difficult decisions about citizenship, property, relationships, and more.
Pray for wisdom for LaVerne and I — we would like to return to Ukraine soon and pack up the things we want to ship to the States as we shift our base of leadership to the States. We do not know if we can get in.
Pray for opportunity for me to continue to work in Crimea, though based in the US.
Pray for our staff as they continue the ministry thur the Center, and as they decide what they will do about citizenship.
Pray for peace — war could still break out; Putin could still justify to himself and his people an invasion of Eastern and Southern Ukraine — though he says he has no plans to do that .. but he always reserves the right to ‘protect Russians’ wherever they may be.
Pray for our partners ministry, the Christian Center for Science and Apologetics as they continue to build their resource and retreat center and plan ministry in uncertain times.
Pray for LaVerne’s health and healing. Her knee and the muscles above and below it are hurting, but physiotherapy is at work. April 3 is he date for her shoulder surgery.

