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Change is Good

One of the challenges we all face in life is accepting and projecting the change that comes naturally or by design in order to grow. Although difficult at times I truly believe no organization can continue to grow without change…


More News From GNPI…


Kids on the Streets – Everybody has a story.
Pray for Ukraine – Praying for an entire country can seem

   daunting. This short video is amazing…

Click here to see all blogs

What is Vision Night?

You still have time to make plans to attend this year’s Vision Night event that is closest to you:

March 13 – Joplin

March 18 – Indianapolis

March 28 – Phoenix

Read the blog and watch the video if you need more info. A link to RSVP is included there.


Striving for Excellence

by Mike Schrage


Nobody’s perfect. But, I bet none of us want to fly in an airplane where the pilot is right only 90% of the time. You likely wouldn’t have much confidence in a surgeon who get’s it right even 95% of the time. To arrive safely and on time, and to live long without complications, we prefer 100% in these areas…



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