Greetings from Taiwan:

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” (I Cor 11:1)  In our walk, in our talk, how well do we represent our Savior?  Can others see Jesus living in me?  This is one of the key verses we’ll be using this summer for our 9th annual Sports & English Camp, where we’ll be learning what it means to be a real Jesus follower.
Sports & English Camp is July 13-19.  Much of the last couple weeks has been spent in preparation for 150 Taiwan teenagers to arrive on the campus of Morrison Christian Academy, here in Taichung.  Most of these young people will come from homes where their god is an ancestor or idol.  We have the opportunity to introduce them to Jesus Christ, and show them what following Jesus means.
So please pray for the following:
1)The teenagers who will register for camp — early bird registration begins March 29, and open registration begins on April 5.  Please pray that the teens who register will have open hearts to want to know Jesus.
2)Please pray for the faculty.  Right now we have about half of the numbers we need.  Only one church from the US is signed-on to come over and assist.  Most of our on-island Team Expansion missionaries will also be off-island for home assignment.  Please pray that the Lord will lead us to those who are willing and able to make a difference in the lives of Taiwan’s teens.
3)Please pray as we develop the theme:  “Not a fan.”  Pray that as we develop the lesson material/program, it will be exactly what the teens need.
4) Pray that the weather will be good for camp, as often in the summer months we encounter typhoons.
The camp picture is from 2011 — a visual reminder to keep praying!  Thank you for lifting up Sports & English Camp ’14 before the Lord!  And, may your example be one that leads others to know Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!

All for God’s Glory Among the Nations,
Dave Atkin