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Two Solar Kit Testimonies

Here are two testimonies from Christian workers who have received Solar Kits. Since partners like you have made these possible, we thought you’d want to know…


Praises & Prayers for the Week of Feb 24th | click here!

More From GNPI…

• Vision Night in March! – register for the event nearest you:

   Joplin, Indianapolis, or Phoenix

• The Steward Partnership Takes to the Road – featuring David

   Duncan of The Steward Partnership
• Intentions of the Heart – the first video from the new NOMaD

   team in Ukraine
• Celebrating 10 Years – GNPI-SE Asia’s 
first 10 years in photos

• Your Sins are Gone…Now What? – from Tom Silkwood,


• Ringfinger Confessionals – Three straight-talking videos for

   young people from GNPI-Kenya

• Click here to see all blogs

Give God Your “Little” Dreams

God is using WWJD in surprising ways. Nenette Pacoli of GNPI-Philippines shares the story with you in her video.


Partnerships Are Crucial

by Mike Schrage

When you hear the words “Strategic Partnership,” it sounds very official, doesn’t it? As one of ourcore values, it’s not just an official sounding phrase, it’s part of the essence of who we are. Here’s why: strategic partnerships are where synergy is forged.


There’s another one of those fancy words, but it’s an essential and Biblical concept. Synergy is defined as  “the interaction of…



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