Java Evangelism 

News for Prayer and Praise from
Dennis and Lynn Free in Indonesia


After a smooth and uneventful series of flights and stops in Seoul and Jakarta, we arrived home in Ambon on February 18th.   We are now able to sleep and function almost normally.


On the twentieth we welcomed two young co-workers from our bible college in Java.  They will be serving with us for a year (hopefully more) doing marketing of products we have as they meet people, seeking opportunities to share the Good News. Please pray that God will provide for their needs through the sales and that they will meet many people whose hearts are prepared for the Good News.


We are very grateful for all three of the young people from our bible college who are serving in Ambon currently.  Their energy, enthusiasm and joy are contagious.   Please ask God to anoint their efforts.



Please continue to pray with us that God will bless us with a Church Planting Movement among at least one of the unreached and un-served people groups for which we are particularly burdened.


Until All Hear Clearly,
Dennis and Lynn Free
 Ya’ll come! We are asking God to send English speakers who love Jesus and care for  people (especially lost people) to help us make contacts throughout the city of Ambon.   You could help with the pre-school programs,  English classes, communication sessions   at the American Corner at a local University, prayer walking, and through friendship.   Air fare is about $1800 (return).  Visa would be $25-50.   Living costs less than $30/day.    Come for a week, or better for a month, or three  … or a few years.  Great experience for College Students and a meaningful retirement activity for Seniors.   Contact us if you are interested.  We can give you plenty of meaningful things to do while you learn about and contribute to pioneer evangelism and church planting.   You can have an impact for the Gospel in the islands that Columbus never reached!