
Carlos, Lifeline’s Children’s Home Director and Administrator in Honduras, shares this beautiful birthday custom that they celebrate in Honduras!



celebrating Gissell and AstridDear Friends
In Honduras, like other countries in Central America, the 15th birthday is something anticipated by many girls; many of them dream of something wonderful for them.  It is a good tradition because through it you can exalt the name of God, and that’s what happened at our Children’s Home in Omoa. 
In our home this month, we celebrated our 15 year-old parties with Astrid and Gissell . They were very happy because the church hosted a celebration giving our gratitude to our God for their 15 years.  (In Omoa, many ladies do not celebrate the age of 15 because they are already mothers.)  At this celebration of Astrid and Gissell, we testified to take care of our children and teach them that everything has its time.  God was glorified because many were able to hear the Word of God!
Astrid and Gissell both received a special gift: a Bible to be reminded that God has a will for their lives, for them to do and follow. They also received a rose, which means that their youth and purity are from God and they should take care.
Thank God for these girls!  They serve God in various ways. Thank God for the care He has for them.  And thank you for your love to impact these girls who struggle every day to do their best and thus please God and have a different future.
Thank you to all of you who make this ministry possible as we continue doing God’s work.
Enjoy these pictures.
In Jesus,
Carlos Cojon 



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