
Please join us as we praise God for ministry growth and blessing:


1.  Praise God for the work teams who came and served in February from Northside Christian Church (Wadsworth, OH) and Duke Realty (Indianapolis, IN).

2.  Praise God for faithful partners who support our work.

3.  Praise God for the work He is doing in each of the lives of our HCO staff.

4.  Praise God for the church leaders in each Emmanuel Christian Church in Haiti.
5.  Praise God for funds for the new inverter and batteries for Peredo.

6.  Praise God for four new believers at ECC in Port-au-Prince.



Will you please pray with us over these areas where we are asking God for provision? 


1.  Pray for the  HCO Board of Directors as they meet on March 1, in Altamont, IL. 

2.  Pray for a time of refreshing and renewal for RoRo as he visits with Karl in the next several days.

3.  Pray for Lincoln Christian University students and staff from CHOSEN Project as they prepare to travel to Haiti in March.

4.  Pray for the Compressed Earth Block equipment and the dump truck to finally be released from customs.

5.  Pray for less expensive flights for the teams who have not yet made travel arrangements.

6.  Pray for strength, energy, and encouragement for the HCO staff.

7.  Pray for blessings upon our supporting churches.


Thank your continued faithfulness in prayer. We can do nothing apart from God!

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