The past few weeks have been a bit hectic and emotionally draining – not just for us but especially for the Solliday family.  David Solliday married Maria del Carmen several years ago.  She had two adult sons and a young daughter at the time.  Last year they moved to Colombia after David’s retirement from the Denver Public School System. In August they moved to Pereira so they could be closer to her sons.  Her older son, Marco, has been ill since December.  They believed he had dengue fever but seemed to be in recovery when David and Maria returned to the U.S. to serve as interim ministers while a spanish language church there got the paperwork in order for a preacher to come in from abroad.  After they left Marco took a turn for the worse and his brother got him to the hospital where he has been since then.  The ICU ward was full so they kept him on a rolling cot for a few days until there was room in the ICU.  One thing lead to another and the Sollidays returned from the U.S. –  we were not sure if they would find Marco still on this earth.  Things seemed to be getting better for him but tests have shown that he is in an advanced state of pancreatic cancer – and is not likely to live through this week. This has been VERY tough for the whole family, to say the least. Please pray with us for Marco’s health but especially for Maria del Carmen, David, Hugo, Angela Maria, Sneider, María Isabel, Mariana and Daniel.  And for us that we may have wisdom in helping them to face whatever may come their way.

In Christ,

Paul and Sheri Moreland