enriching leaders in Honduras

We wanted to share this quick update & pictures that Darwyn Sanchez, Lifeline’s Director of Schools in Honduras, sent us.  Scott McFarland, from Journey Christian Church (CA), recently traveled to Honduras to host seminars for pastors, teachers and couples. Scott has lead these seminars for several years and he’s much loved by the Honduran people!  


Darwyn writes:

Hello dear friends!  

It was a blessed time with Brother Scott.  He shared with the pastors and leaders from Lifeline and visiting churches from Tegucigalpa.  He also hosted a seminar with the teachers and a marriage seminar for couples.  Around 200 people attended the seminars.


Below are pictures of the seminars.


It is always is a pleasure and blessing to have a visit from Brother Scott!


God bless Lifeline,

Darwyn Sanchez

Director of Schools, Honduras 


seminars and participants
seminars and participants

Lifeline Christian Mission   ||   Restoring hope among the nations 

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