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Solar Kits in Cottage Meetings

Most often, when we talk about Solar Kits, we feature stories from Africa. But this story comes from Chandigarh, India. We regularly highlight this amazing technology tool: the Solar Kit. They truly provide the opportunity to take culturally relevant media anywhere in the world. As long as the sun shines, Solar Kits can present the clear message of the Gospel to audiences that, many times, have never before heard it…


Praises & Prayers for the Week of Jan 27th | click here!

More News From GNPI…


• “You are Free to Go, I Can No Longer Detain You” a border

    crossing story
• Power Outage? No Problem! a story from SE Asia
• Memories of a Stranger, a new bi-monthly blog written by GNPI

   staff member, Pa See Vang

• Vision Night, March 2014  RSVP online

• All Blogs

Ringfinger Confessionals – Why Wait? (Episode 2)

The second in a series of three, powerful, music videos from GNPI-Kenya, addresses the subject of purity.  Watch Video


If you missed it, watch Episode 1I’m a Virgin, So What?

Partnership: An Anchor for Global Evangelism

by Mike Schrage


GNPI founder, Ziden Nutt, drove an anchor in the sand when he founded the global media and technology ministry on the basis of this passage of Scripture (Habakkuk 2:14).



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