“And my GOD will meet all your needs according to the riches of HIS glory in CHRIST JESUS.” Philippians 4:19


In India, there are families that go every day without fresh water. They walk miles to fill water gallons, just to do their cooking and washing. Many families own a farm, and this is the only way they can continue to grow their crop.

We see in Philippians 4:19 GOD promises HE will provide the needs for HIS children. As followers of Christ we are called to do our part in caring for HIS people. Would you give financially toward a well in India? Building a well means clean water being pumped out every day. It gives families the opportunity to grow their crop, sell more in the market and become self-sustaining. $2,500 will build one well and change an entire community. Please prayerfully consider giving towards a well. We invite you to join with your small group or family to purchase clean water for many families.  

Your gift reflects the love of Christ to many people.  We are grateful for your support! 

For more information about the work of CICM or to make a gift online please visit


Our mailing address is:



22 West Bryan St. #302

Savannah, GA 31401