“Declare HIS glory among the nations, HIS marvelous works among all the peoples!”  Psalm 96:3

Please pray with us today. Less than 2% of the people in India are Christians. Central India Christian Mission is working to bring the good news of our Savior to all those who do not yet know HIM. We pray that God would continue to work through all of the staff of CICM in India to further HIS Kingdom. We ask that you partner with us in prayer for hearts to be softened.



GOD can move in supernatural ways. Only HE can change the heart of the lost. Please pray for boldness and courage for the messengers who are taking the love and knowledge of JESUS CHRIST. We desire to see every heart changed, and every soul saved. 

Thank you for your commitment to the Ministry of CICM. We are looking forward to see all God has in store for 2014, thank you for being a part of that.  

For more information about the work of CICM or to make a gift online please visitwww.indiamission.org

Our mailing address is:



22 West Bryan St. #302

Savannah, GA 31401