we can share the following great updates!
Your love, prayer & financial support make it happen. 

Wait….  Are we leaving out GOD?   


distributing gifts to needy families
Distributing gifts to 
needy families 
in El Salvador



El Salvador

  • Jose, who is Lifeline’s Administrator in El Salvador, writes: In the last days of December and the first two weeks of January this year, we distributed more than 1,500 toys to poor children in our communities. 
  • The houses churches continue to grow every day.


  • Your generosity has created an opportunity to train more Christian leaders in Haiti.  Lifeline’s next Leadership Seminar (February 11-19) will be the first ever hosted in Mahotierre, near Port-au-Prince.  The third story of the Children’s Home, which hasn’t been used since being severely damaged in the earthquake, has recently been repaired and will house all of our pastors and presenters.  We hope this new, centrally-located venue will enable more pastors to be blessed and developed. 


VBS fun at Omoa Christian Church
VBS fun at the 
Omoa Christian Church 
in Honduras


  • Scott McFarland (Journey Christian Church) is leading seminars in Honduras this week for Lifeline’s pastors and leaders.  Scott has done this for a number of years and has built tremendous relationships with the leaders there.  The return on Scott’s investment is obvious.  What a blessing. 
  • Last week at Omoa Christian Church, they had 125 kids attend a 5-day VBS. It was a great event!  Please pray for these kids because the seed of God has been sowed in their hearts. 

United States 

  • Praise God for the years of faithful service given by Glen Wheeler as he continues to spread the Gospel even as his health wanes.
  • Thank you!  The church in Lithopolis just gave a donation to build 6 homes for needy Haitian families!  What a blessing you are to these families! 

Prayer Requests
  • This weekend is the opening Sunday for the new Northern Hills church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  Pray for all the preparations to go smoothly and for people to be reached. 
  • Pray for Kevin Hart, Myron Williams and Jim & Karen Dewar who are preparing now to go to Haiti in February to be presenters at the next leadership seminar.   
  • Pray for new leaders to be discipled in Cuba.  In order for the kingdom to keep advancing there, new leaders must continually be developed then empowered to plant more house churches.  Discipleship is hard work, but multiplying leaders (and churches) is how the first century church changed the world.  
  • We completed our application for the Combined Federal Campaign. Please pray for approval and our inclusion to the program.
  • Pray for Navajo ministry: that God would lead the work team members we need to prepare for the septic upgrade work.  If you or someone you know has skills in this area, please contact
You can view Lifeline’s full prayer list at



People, Programs or Projects: 
Your Service Makes a Difference!
by Dana Krahel, Volunteer Director
You may be familiar with service opportunities through Lifeline, but with all of the new and exciting things happening, we have many volunteer openings that you might not know about!

Serve here!

We welcome volunteers to serve in our office or warehouse in the Columbus, Ohio area.  At the office we have opportunities to package Lovelink sponsor gifts, general office duties, prayer room partners, thank you calls, writing notes, fundraising, mailings and special tasks as needed.  At the warehouse you can sort clothing and shoes; pack peanut butter; put together “pantry gifts” for not-yet-sponsored children; assemble baby and new mom layettes; sort toys, hygiene items, and school supplies; and many other mission needs.  Individuals, groups, and families of all ages can be involved.


Serve where you are!

But if your desire is to serve right where you live, then please consider being a drive/event coordinator. We need people to host sponsorship drives, help coordinate ABC food events, prayer partners, peanut butter drives, toy drives, new children’s clothing and new shoe drives and promote us on social media. 


Another great way for you to help is to ask, on Lifeline’s behalf, for donations, goods and services. From time to time we come across people who want to donate items. For example, we received over 1,000 t-shirts from an event and we were so very blessed to ship them to Haiti and Honduras and to share those with the kids and adults there. Some of you might have connections to items we use and are paying for that could be donated to save Lifeline time and money. As always, please email or give us a call to see if we can use the items. And remember that we need shipping money for those large donations too; the cost to ship each container filled with ministry supplies is $12,000-$15,000.


Lifeline is blessed to have a wonderful, devoted group of volunteers from coast to coast and we want to make sure we are giving the best and most rewarding opportunities for you to serve with us to bring people to the Kingdom for eternity.


How can you help?  

For a list of specific ways to serve, or items to donate and/or funds needed, please see our website, email me at  or call the office at 614-794-0801.


The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,

    because the Lord has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to 

bind up the brokenhearted,
    to proclaim freedom 

for the captives
    and release from darkness for the prisoners…

Isaiah 61:1 (NIV)



Then They Got Stuck

I have been watching events unfold in the Antarctic for the last few weeks and I find them fascinating. A ship full of researchers was stuck in ice and needed rescuing. They had plenty of food and water to sustain them until help could arrive, so it didn’t seem too urgent. They actually posted videos of themselves walking around the ice doing fun and funny activities. The reality was, however, that they were stuck and despite their happiness, their situation was precarious. You see, ocean ice can shift. Ocean ice can rip open a ship like a can if the wind and tides change.


Enter the rescue ship. The Chinese ice breaker, the Sea Dragon, was dispatched to free the ship and rescue the crew. Days passed and eventually the ship had forced its way within 6 miles of the stranded vessel. Well that just wasn’t close enough, so another ship was brought into the area and eventually, the passengers and crew were flown by helicopter to an Australian ship. They were happy and headed home. Then the call came. The Chinese vessel was now stuck in the ice and its crew needed help. As I write this, the Chinese ship has been stuck for over a week.


Sometimes our lives are a lot like the first ship. We head out into the world to explore and end up stuck in some sin or situation that we need help getting out of. We ask for help, but not from the right source and then we’re all stuck. People smile, play games, eat, drink, and live merrily. But, their situation is not secure – only livable, survivable, and maybe comfortable for a time.


Sometimes our lives are like the rescue ship. We try to help people out, but we do it under our own abilities and end up just as stranded as the people we have come to help. We try to tell ourselves it’s not too bad, but we are really just blind guides. We need more than just the power we possess to finally rescue ourselves.


Ultimately we need to see that freedom from our situation comes from having more power. That is where Christ comes in. He came to “set free the captives” and His death on the cross is the power to do just that. There is no situation that we can get ourselves into that Christ cannot get us through. His power leads us to safety and it is a power that dwells within us. We don’t have to be adrift on the ocean; He gives direction to our lives. We don’t have to be stuck in sin; he gives us the power to break free. This is our message of Rescue, Hope, and Power.


devotion by J.D. Hite, Lifeline’s Connection Director 

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