“Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.” 

John 4:35

 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


Orissa, located on the east coast of India, has been a place of severe persecution for Christians. In fact, over the past decade, no other state in India has experienced such extreme violence towards Christians. As a result of this hatred, hundreds of people have been killed because of their faith in Jesus Christ.


We would like to ask for you to join us in prayer for Dr. Ajai Lall and Abhijeet Lall who are currently in Orissa to preach at a conference encouraging Pastors in the region. Pray that God’s presence would be strong in Orissa. Pray peace and protection over the Lall family as Dr. Lall and Abhijeet are in a very dangerous area. Pray that God would use Dr. Lall as an encouragement to the preachers and evangelists at the conference. 


The theme of the conference is “Heart for the Harvest” and as such, please pray that God would continue to work through His vessels in a way that brings the gospel of Christ to more and more unreached people. As we see in scripture, the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Pray God would continue to encourage these pastors to spread the knowledge and love of Christ as they obediently follow the Call.


Thank you for your continued partnership with the Ministry. We are grateful for your willingness to walk alongside CICM with prayer and love.

For more information about Central India Christian Mission please visit our website at www.indiamission.org.