Happy New Year from ICOM!

We are looking forward to all that God has in store for 2014! There are so many blessings we could talk about from 2013 and the conference in Kansas City where we came together to “Glorify God Globally”.  Let me boil it down to one number though – 86. There were 86 decisions for full-time missionary service at the 2013 ICOM.  While we could rejoice in so many things that one number sums up why ICOM is so important. Our mission is to encourage, equip, and recruit workers for the harvest.  We are a conference focused on the Great Commission.  You are a vital part of that.  However, we know that God is the central focus of all we do and that is why we are so excited about the 2014 ICOM in Columbus, OH, where our theme will be “Vertical”.  If we are going to continue to be successful in our kingdom work we all have to be sure we are right in our “vertical” relationship with God to be effective in the “horizontal” work of spreading His gospel!
Today is the last day to make a tax deductible gift to ICOM for 2013.  Your gift to day will help lay a solid foundation for next year’s conference.  Click here to access our secure online giving site. Also, begin praying now for God to move in Columbus.  With His people praying, I wonder what the “number” might be next year.  
Again, from all the staff at ICOM we wish you a very blessed New Year!  

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This is a combined list of exhibitors from 2012-2013 and the Missionaries list we’ve previously had. 

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International Conference on Missions

95 E County Rd 1000 S

ClaytonIN 46118