December 29, 2013

Greetings from Taiwan:

“For God, who said, “Letlight shine out of darkness,” made his lightshine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” (II Cor 4:6)  We talk much about “Light,” but seldom voice how it is that the light shines in the darkness today.  When we venture out among our neighbors to testify about Jesus Christ, God’s glory among the nations, whether in word or deed — the Light is shining brightly through us!  It is not a great mystery, nor is it an accident — it is prayed about, prepared for and Holy Spirit guide.

We pray that you Christmas was filled with family and opportunities to share your faith in Jesus Christ.  It has been great having Tabitha here with us — sharing Christmas together. Tabitha will return to the US on Jan 2nd.  Please pray for safe travels for her.
Mark, the student who had the same back surgery I had 8 years ago, came through his surgery well.  He is still recovering in the hospital.  It has been a blessing to be able to be with the McGill family through all of this. Also, we’ve had opportunity to visit with Dr. Zhang.  We still pray for him, that he will one day desire to follow Jesus.
The Come Christian Church is praying and planning concerning the future ahead, beginning in next summer, without Dave & Brenda.  Please pray for wisdom, vision and faith as we make plans for the future.
We’re still making plans to help in the Philippines with the typhoon disaster. Please pray that we’ll be effective in our planning and service — that we may be a blessing there.
We’ve received very sad news concerning a family we’ve known for a long time, a family who lives nearby.  Please pray that they will allow us to be a light for Jesus to them during this difficult time. If they allow us in, we’ll let you know.
Thank you for your full-time partnership with us to Taiwan, which began 16 years ago this coming week.  Thank you for beginning year 17 with us! May we all be a light to those living in darkness!
All for God’s Glory Among the Nations,
Dave & Brenda Atkin