We at Insight Resources International hope you had a great Christmas holiday. As we look to the new year we pray that you will be blessed through out the coming year. 
We want to thank you all for your prayers and support in 2013.
We would like to ask that as you are thinnking of the end of the year and might be looking for tax deductions, that IRI is a non profit 501(3) c. Please remember us as we expand to new countries in 2014.
Also as a reminder you can donate to IRI while shopping on line.
1. Goodsearch.com /goodshop.com. We are listed in the charities as “Safari Insight Mission”

(GoodSearch, GoodDine & GoodShop for Safari Insight Mission

Raise money for Safari Insight Mission just by searching the Internet withGoodSearch.com (powered by Yahoo), or shopping online with GoodShop.com. )


2. AmazonSmile.com We are listed as Insight Resources International

Don’t miss an easy, beneficial program available to IRI friends and family! When you shop online with AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organization you select. It’s a simple way to make a big difference. And spread the word! 


Thank you again and Happy New Year

IRI Team