
Please join us as we praise God for ministry growth and blessing:


1.  Praise God for the hard work of all of our Haitian leaders who do the work of HCO.

2.  Praise God for that the Community Hospital of Peredo passed the annual Ministry of Health inspection with no deficiencies.

3.  Praise God for the numerous Every Child Sponsors.  Their faithful support helps to transform the lives of every child influenced by our ministry.

4.  Praise God for the opportunities to assist two other Haiti ministries with their healthcare ministries.

5.  Praise God for the safe travel of HCO staff and volunteers in 2013.



Will you please pray with us over these areas where we are asking God for provision? 


1.  Pray for the healing of a Haitian pastor and friend who was shot while helping us with customs clearance for the compressed earth block equipment.

2.  Pray for genuine revival at Emmanuel Christian Church in Port-au-Prince where Gerard is conducting a week of meetings.

3.  Pray for immediate clearance from customs for our compressed earth block equipment.

4.  Pray for opportunities for the Gospel to be heard and heeded during this Christmas season.

5.  Pray for wisdom for our leadership as we continue planning our work for 2014.

6.  Pray for new partners who are considering joining us in 2014.


On behalf of all who serve with Haitian Christian Outreach, we would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!


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